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Jane Feddersen

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Klarity ADHD Review – Is It Legit for Diagnosis & Treatment?

About the Author

Jane Feddersen

Jane is a former DI student-athlete and lifelong health enthusiast. Since graduating from College of Charleston where she played both indoor & beach volleyball, Jane’s spent the last four years building her marketing career with experience in project and partner management. Outside of work, her nutrition certification, dog, travel and yoga flows keep her busy.

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  3. Klarity ADHD Review
Rating: 4.8 / 5
Medically reviewed by:
Maryellen Dance, MS, LMHC

About Maryellen Dance, MS, LMHC

Mental Health Advisor

Maryellen Dance is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) with over 12 years of experience helping patients with substance abuse, domestic violence, anxiety, depression, trauma, and more. Maryellen is also trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) and is a psychology professor at Nazareth College. She’s regularly featured as an expert in a variety of outlets and is passionate about sharing evidenced based mental health information.

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In this Article

Jane Feddersen

Have you struggled to find a doctor to diagnose your Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Has it been hard to miss work or school to attend monthly follow-ups? If you’ve wondered if there’s a better way to get quality mental health care without spending hours navigating complex medical systems, you’re in the right place.

Telemedicine is likely the solution for you. As healthcare has evolved, especially after the global pandemic, it’s become more common to address many health conditions through telehealth startups – all from the comfort of your home. 

Today we’ll review Klarity, an online psychiatry platform that offers virtual diagnosis and treatment for ADHD (among other mental health concerns). Klarity helps thousands of Americans with ADHD access online doctor consultations for timely eval and personalized prescription management.

Klarity could be a viable option if you are looking for legitimate, individualized treatment via a telemedicine platform or getting Adderall online. We’ll review the details for you, including real customer experiences, comparison to other leading platforms and traditional in-person psychiatry, and whether it could be the solution for you.

Klarity ADHD Treatment Pros + Cons


  • Prescribes Adderall: Klarity is one of the few online platforms that can still prescribe stimulants like Adderall to treat ADHD.
  • No Commitment: Instead of a monthly subscription, only pay per appointment. This may seem costly initially while you work with your provider to find the right medication and dosage, but you’ll soon start saving when you only have to pay for refill appointments. You get to choose your provider and aren’t locked into working with anyone. ever.
  • Fast appointment scheduling: You be able to schedule your initial consultation with a provider only a few days after submitting your evaluation, with treatment and prescription shortly after (should you be eligible).


  • No Insurance Coverage: Klarity appointments cannot be covered by insurance, but medication co-pay will be the same as it is at any other pharmacy.
  • No Therapy: A combined medicine + therapy approach is highly recommended for mental health treatment, including for ADHD. Many telehealth platforms also offer therapy, but Klarity only offers the psychiatry (medication management) portion.
  • Not available everywhere: You can see location availability when completing the evaluation, but Klarity currently serves 30+ states.

My Personal Experience with Klarity

After spending years knowing that I have ADHD but trying to manage the symptoms alone, I finally took it upon myself to seek professional help, and I’m so glad I did. I’ve since been working with Klarity for ADHD prescription medication management for over four months now. My personal highlights so far have been:

  • Fast initial appointment: I could schedule my initial consultation within three days (I live in California).
  • Incredible provider: My PA has been amazing – she’s worked with my last-minute appointment changes, answered my NUMEROUS questions, responded to my portal messages asap, and worked with me to find the perfect dosage while taking all of my considerations into account.
  • Pay per appointment: Klarity isn’t a subscription service, so I’ve never been worried about being charged or taken advantage of as a customer. 

One of my initial hesitations with online medication management was the cost – how could I predict how much I’d end up paying if I didn’t know upfront how many appointments I’d have? After 4+ months, I can pretty easily predict how the next 4 will go – here’s how the cost has aligned and how I predict it’ll continue for me over time.

Klarity ADHD cost and hours graph

The initial appointment was the longest (1h) and most expensive ($149). We talked about my medical and family history, and she thoroughly evaluated my ADHD symptoms to see if I was a candidate for medication. It felt very personal and safe (not like I was being taken advantage of for my money), and after confirmation, I was prescribed a very low dose of stimulants for 2 weeks.

To spare you the details, we had five follow-up appointments over the following four months (15mins, $59/ea), checking in every two weeks. I saw immense improvement in my symptoms along the way as we tweaked the prescription and dosage, and by month four, we decided I was exactly where I needed to be. I’ll stay on this course until our next follow-up in 3 months, with monthly prescription-only appointments ($25/ea) until then.

I cannot say enough good things about my experience with Klarity. I had recently moved and was having a terrible time finding a local psychiatrist that could take me within the month. So, while the cost per appointment is a bit higher, it was easier (and a LOT cheaper) than going to an in-person doctor and will cost less overall than a subscription service.

I did run into some issues with the pharmacies and Adderall shortage (personal tip: try Costco pharmacy!), but overall, I’d highly recommend Klarity for anyone searching for ADHD medication management online as the easiest and most reliable platform to work with.

Klarity Alternatives: How does it compare?

Klarity vs Done vs Cerebral: Which is Best for ADHD?

Pricing$149 for initial online visit

$59 for each follow up visit

$25 for each refill-only appointment
$199 upfront

$79/mo thereafter
Medication only: $99/mo

Therapy only: $259/mo

Medication + therapy: $325/mo
Prescribes Adderall / stimulants?
Available without membership?
Appointment optionsVideo consultations

Refill requests only (no appointment required)
Video consultationsVideo or phone call
Offers therapy?
Medication included in subscription cost?
Free prescription delivery?
Covered by insurance?🟡 Does not accept insurance, but offers out-of-network support
FSA/HSA eligible?
Locations available30+ US states.

Due to changing information, you can see location availability when completing the evaluation.
36 US states

Currently not available in: AL, AK, AR, DE, ID, LA, MN, MT, NH, ND, OH, OK, WV, WY
50 US states
What else can they treat?Anxiety
Trauma and PTSD
Bipolar disorder
Alcohol dependence
Chronic obesity
Opioid Use Disorder

Review of Klarity for ADHD

Klarity provides online ADD/ADHD diagnosis and treatment in a growing number of states through its team of certified and licensed medical providers. They’ve provided a more simplified, personalized, thorough, and less expensive process for ADHD evaluation and care with 300,000+ online visits since 2017. 

Klarity’s site makes it easy to schedule an initial appointment for initial diagnosis, as well as for follow-up consultations as needed.

How to get started with Klarity

  1. Sign up: When you sign up, you’ll complete a 2-minute questionnaire before booking a virtual appointment with one of their licensed professionals. The evaluation is NOT a diagnosis, just necessary for more information before your consultation.
  2. Book initial appointment ($149): Your one-time consultation will be a 30-minute visit with a provider for an evaluation, diagnosis, treatment plan, and prescription (should that be deemed appropriate).
  3. Follow-up visits ($59/ea): You’ll need to return for at least 2-3 follow-up video visits (15 minutes each) to discuss a treatment plan, medication levels, and any adjustments necessary. These will continue until you and your provider are comfortable with your plan.
  4. Refill requests ($25/ea): These require no meeting time but are only available after your treatment plan is stabilized and established with your provider.  They will continue for the duration of your treatment (unless you’d like a medication change, in which case you’ll have another follow-up visit).

At any point, you use your secure client portal to message your provider and check on or reschedule upcoming appointments. Your provider can also contact you periodically for updates on your health and to monitor your dosage to optimize treatment.

What does Klarity prescribe for ADHD?

Klarity individualizes suggested care plans and prescriptions based on your unique needs. If diagnosed, prescriptions can include Rx stimulants or non-stimulant medication for ADHD. The most common stimulants that Klarity can prescribe include Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, and Concerta.

Given that not all ADHD patients require Rx meds, you and your Klarity provider will discuss the best options for your situation in depth. Klarity generally takes a much more measured and thoughtful approach when prescribing controlled substances for ADHD, which is in contracts to players like Cerebral and Done, who have recently come under fire for being too reckless in pushing too many stimulant prescriptions for ADHD.

Klarity Reviews: What do other ADHD patients say?

In addition to my own positive personal experience, Klarity has garnered a lot of positive reviews from patients, who especially applaud the service’s ability to treat the root of the problem and deliver tailored treatment plans rather than cookie-cutter solutions.

A couple of notes based on other users’ accounts:

  • Your experience depends on your provider: Many have had fantastic experiences (like myself), but some have had providers who weren’t as attentive. Before you choose a provider available in your state, we recommend you research your specific provider options online.
  • You might not get prescribed: Online services like this are NOT here to just hand out prescriptions. If your provider feels an Rx isn’t right for you, you must be prepared to walk away without a prescription.

Here are a few more noteworthy reviews of Klarity for ADHD, sourced from sites like reddit and trustpilot:

Better online treatment
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"I came to Klarity after trying out DoneADHD, and from the start my experience was infinitely better. My provider was kind, understanding and so helpful every time I needed help... it’s amazing what a company like this can do for the overall health and well being of an individual."
Awesome experience - finally felt heard!Reddit r/adhdwomen
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"I decided to take one more chance and scheduled an appointment with Klarity. Took their assessments and had an appointment the next day. I was so nervous that I would just be put down and dismissed again. My provider was AMAZING! ...My concerns were finally validated and taken seriously. ...I just really wanted to let anyone else know who may be struggling with diagnosis or being taken seriously as a woman with ADHD. I wish I had known about this sooner :)"
Online experience is worth itTrustpilot
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"Always a great experience. For people like me that have a huge problem waiting, this company actually pay attention to their patients. You don't have to wait a whole month and forget stuff, you can just message your provider directly or talk to customer support. It is amazing!"
Helpful treatment & knowledgeable
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"[My doctor] has been so helpful with my treatment of ADHD. He always asks me questions on what is working and what isnt. He is also very up-to-date on all policies surrounding telehealth and adhd treatment."
Advice to avoid delaysTrustpilot
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"Most issues I've had could of been avoided if I would of taken time to understand their system and how it works. CHECK emails sent AND the PORTAL. Check make sure you request PRIOR to date. Anything that upsets system will cause delay. I had issues scheduling an appt early but once I figured out talked to provider within hours. Growing pains but well worth trouble. Works with you."

The Verdict: Is Klarity legit for ADHD meds online?

After a thorough analysis of the platform and its competitors + personal experience, we think Klarity is a very legitimate front-runner for online ADHD care

Klarity is ideal for people who want to treat ADHD…

…without going in person.

After getting diagnosed online, you and your provider will decide on a treatment plan, and Klarity can send medications (as needed) within 24 hours to a pharmacy of your choice. The platform is designed for patients looking for quality care that’s not only more convenient than traditional in-person psychiatry, but also a lot more personalized and proactive than other virtual telehealth services for ADHD like Done or Cerebral.

…without an expensive subscription.

Memberships can be daunting, especially for anyone just looking to dip their toe in. Klarity offers the flexibility to schedule (and only pay for!) appointments as needed. They give you the freedom to choose who you work with and how to work together without bundling them into a confining contract or subscription.

Klarity also offers the most cost-effective solution for ADHD medication and treatment – stimulants included – so if you’re simply looking to save money on your existing prescription management, they are worth checking out.

…with stimulants like Adderall.

Klarity is one of the only platforms online that can still prescribe stimulants like Adderall to treat ADHD. If you’re just trying prescription treatment for the first time or know that stimulants are the most effective treatment for you, Klarity can match you with a provider that can get you the help that you need.

If you seek help for chronic ADHD, we recommend starting with Klarity. You’ll likely be able to see one of their licensed doctors over Zoom within two days for diagnosis, and their pay-as-you-go treatment plan can help you start living a more focused, attentive, consistent, and productive lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Klarity does not charge a recurring subscription or membership fee, unlike many other telehealth providers. The only fees you will be charged are for your online provider visit(s). We appreciate Klarity’s affordable pay-as-you-go model and how it prioritizes access to care rather than locking patients into a monthly or annual plan.

  • Initial online visit – $149: This is only for the first appointment. The 30-minute virtual session includes an evaluation and treatment plan, if eligible (noting here that an average psychiatrist visit can cost over triple this amount).
  • Follow-up visits – $59 each: Once treatment begins, you’ll schedule follow-up visits (15 minutes each) to review your progress, including medication evaluation and any side effects or concerns. Your provider can make adjustments as needed during this time to your plan or medication.
  • Refill-only appointments – $25 each: These can be scheduled only after your treatment plan and medications are stabilized, and you and your provider are happy with the plan. This appointment does not require any meetings with a provider but will allow them to issue your refill at the currently prescribed dose. 

At Klarity, the cost of prescription medications can be covered by insurance if you have coverage. That said, Klarity doesn’t accept insurance for appointments with their providers, as they are considered out-of-network. 


Not to fear, though. Klarity will assist you with preparing for your out-of-network claim to get reimbursement for the expense. Patients can request an itemized bill from Klarity for all services rendered, which you can then use to submit to your insurance company.

Yes – the most common stimulants that Klarity can prescribe include Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, and Concerta. In some cases, stimulants work very well for patients as the first line of defense. Stimulants are intended to increase alertness, attention, and energy by increasing naturally produced chemicals in the brain, such as dopamine and norepinephrine. These chemicals are neurotransmitters associated with pleasure, attention, and motivation. 


The most common non-stimulants medications that Klarity prescribes are Straterra (often used with patients with addictive concerns) and Kapvay. These medications may be appropriate for adults with other conditions that, combined with stimulants, could be unsafe. Non-stimulants are generally considered the 2nd and 3rd line of defense in treating ADHD, although every case is different.


Your Klarity provider will review your case to decide if antidepressants make sense. Becuase Klarity also treats anxiety and depression, you could be prescribed medication that treats comorbid symptoms. According to studies, comorbid ADHD has been reported in patients with depression at rates ranging from 9% to 16%. Therefore, commonly used medications to treat depression and anxiety can also be a helpful option when treating multiple conditions co-occurring or one after the other, which is often the case with ADHD.


Klarity is the most cost-effective and flexible solution for ADHD treatment if you’re looking solely for medication. They are also able to prescribe stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin. Klarity seems to take a much more measured approach to diagnosis and better incentivizes doctors to spend more time with their patients rather than simply prescribing controlled substances.


While Cerebral does offer therapy in addition to medication, they no longer prescribe stimulants because of initial investigations into overprescribing. We have reviewed Cerebral for anxiety, depression, & ADHD much more in-depth and compared it to DONE to find out which online ADHD treatment is the best


If you’re looking for higher quality care that you only pay for as needed, Klarity will likely be better for you than Cerebral or Done.


In addition to ADHD treatment, Klarity offers diagnosis and treatment for different or co-existing mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and insomnia.


If you’re struggling with the symptoms of a potential mental health disorder, seeing a psychiatric professional through a platform like Klarity for an evaluation is an essential first step.

While most people experience periods of distraction, scattered thoughts, or disorganization, the chronic inability to concentrate with ADHD can affect your performance at work or school, so it’s worth speaking to a medical professional about. Klarity providers will take these into account but can also assess other symptoms related to ADHD that you might not even think of (i.e. forgetfulness, inability to cope with stress, mood swings, and more). These symptoms could all be easily assessed over video calls.


Put simply: if the friction of finding a local, affordable psychiatrist has prevented you from accessing care, then virtual assessment is indeed a much better option, if for no other reason than just getting started.



Additionally, there are added benefits for patients that use telemedicine compared to traditional care, like increased access to specialists (to find the best fit for you), more convenient appointments from the comfort of your home, and improved access to prescription medication.


Overall, according to the American Psychological Association, evidence suggests that telemedicine is just as effective as in-person healthcare in most cases.


There are many different routes for you to consider to treat ADHD. We’ll get into the specifics of what Klarity offers, but we suggest weighing all treatment options with a doctor – virtually or in person. 


Nootropics: All-natural treatment

Many nootropics are natural and available over the counter and can positively affect your mental faculties, cognition, focus, memory, sleep, and mood. These medications are often called “smart drugs” because they can improve brain performance – great for those with ADHD.


Caffeine, omega-3 fatty acids, L-theanine, and ginkgo Biloba are among the natural nootropic ingredients frequently used, effective alone or used in combination with prescription medication. Thesis is a leading brand of personalized nootropics with customized formulas designed for better focus. We recommend speaking with a doctor before starting any new supplements, especially if combined with Rx medication.



Stimulants: Prescription ADHD treatment

You’ve probably heard of Adderall, Ritalin, and Dexedrine, which work by increasing the levels of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. These brain chemicals regulate motivation, feelings of pleasure, and attentiveness, all of which are known to be deficient in people with ADHD. 


Studies show that stimulants help people with ADHD improve their focus and manage impulsive behavior. But there have also been concerns about online telehealth platforms like Cerebral being too hasty and potentially overprescribing stimulant medications for ADHD, so it’s more important to choose a quality provider.


Overprescribing can lead to addiction or dependence, but if prescribed correctly, stimulants are completely safe. Assuming you’re looking for long-term ADHD treatment for the right reasons, stimulant medications may be right for you, and Klarity is one of the few online providers that can prescribe them. 


Non-stimulants: ADHD prescription with fewer side effects

For many, stimulant medications come with a host of unwanted side effects like nervousness or insomnia, so non-stimulant alternatives can be worth exploring. Some examples are Wellbutrin and Strattera, which also treat depression.


Non-stimulant medications increase the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain but can take a longer time to work and aren’t super effective for improving concentration. They can help with other symptoms of ADHD, though, and may be the right treatment for you if you experience negative side effects with stimulants or are worried about addiction


See how prescription medication compares to all-natural remedies mentioned above in our comparison of Adderall vs Nootropics.


Unsure where to start?

We’ve tried hundreds of mental health platforms first-hand. Find out which we liked best, and get exclusive discounts!

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We conduct extensive research to evaluate the pricing, effectiveness, accessibility, overall quality, and user experience of every telehealth service we review. This also includes examining and comparing each provider to comparable telemedicine alternatives. We also evaluate usability, treatments, prescription delivery time, and more to determine the best value for those seeking fast and reliable telehealth services.


Review ProcessKey MetricsWeighting
Sign up online– ease to complete intake form
– affordability
– upfront commitment or subscription required?
– money back guarantee or refund policy?
Vitual consult with provider / determine eligibility– ease to get appointment to determine eligibility
– need to leave house for labs or other in-person care?
Shipping + unboxing– shipping cost
– time from order to treatment delivery
– discreet packaging to maintain privacy
Test + journal for 1-3 months– ease of application
– transition into habitual use
– taste / smell / feel / pain
Results after 3 months of use– efficacy / results
– lack of side effects
– ease of refill / reordering
– quality of ongoing clinical support
– responsive customer support
– willingness to recommend to a friend

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Difficulty focusing, impulsivity, disorganization, trouble planning ahead…we all have scattered thoughts and trouble motivating ourselves from time to time, but if you’re distracted too regularly to the point where your ability to perform daily life is impacted, you may very well have ADHD. Check out this in-depth roadmap of how to get prescription meds for Adderall online.

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About the Author

Jane Feddersen

Jane is a former DI student-athlete and lifelong health enthusiast. Since graduating from College of Charleston where she played both indoor & beach volleyball, Jane’s spent the last four years building her marketing career with experience in project and partner management. Outside of work, her nutrition certification, dog, travel and yoga flows keep her busy.

Learn more
Jane Feddersen

Jane Feddersen

Jane is a former DI student-athlete and lifelong health enthusiast. Since graduating from College of Charleston where she played both indoor & beach volleyball, Jane’s spent the last four years building her marketing career with experience in project and partner management. Outside of work, her nutrition certification, dog, travel and yoga flows keep her busy.

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