Odds are if you hadn’t heard about nootropics before the early 2010s, you’ve heard about them now. Nootropics burst onto the scene around that time, and they’ve been trending ever since. Why? Well, with bold claims of making you feel more focused, calmer, and even smarter, it’s no wonder that these unique supplements have been catching people’s attention. Especially after the toll of the pandemic on all of our mental wellbeing…
If you’re dealing with brain fog, fatigue, and poor productivity, nootropics probably sound enticing. But, finding natural, effective, no-nonsense supplements in today’s crowded wellness market can be hard.
That’s where Thesis comes in. Takethesis.com is an online brand that’s been a leader in personalized nootropics for years. With all-natural supplement blends that they claim are rooted in science, Thesis promises to bring a new meaning to the term “smart drugs”.
But as someone who’s always reserved a healthy level of skepticism around the efficacy of supplements in general, I decided to try Thesis nootropics firsthand to see what the hype was all about. In this review, I’ll share my experience with Thesis, including my honest reaction after taking their formulas for greater focus, confidence, logic, and more.
What are Thesis nootropics?
Thesis (rebranded from FindMyFormula.com) is a longstanding nootropics company with an impressive customer base of over 500,000 users. Having been in the space for years, Thesis has developed a comprehensive data set of nootropics research that dwarfs those of their competitors. I found this data-driven pitch compelling, and thus decided that I’d give Thesis a shot as my first foray into the world of nootropics in general.
1. How Thesis works
To get started, complete Thesis’ online questionnaire. They only ask for basic info – you don’t have to share specific lab tests or detailed medical history. Next, the Thesis algorithm will process your answers to recommend one or more nootropic blends best suited to your needs, which will be shipped to your house within 1-3 business days.
Thesis recommends you sample their nootropic blends for a month before selecting ones that you believe work the best for you. Of course, you don’t have to stick with just one – and many Thesis customers opt to continue taking two or more blends for varied nootropic benefits as desired. Customer’s purchase data then funnels back to bolster Thesis’s algorithm, further strengthening the reliability of its recommendation engine. Pretty cool, I must admit.
2. What makes Thesis unique
Thesis’ personalized nootropic recommendation algorithm, paired with the ability to try out four unique nootropic blends before selecting your go-to formula, is what defines the Thesis process. They spare you from the difficult, time-intensive testing of individual nootropics on your own, which could easily take months (and cost a serious amount of $). By first paring down your options to the supplements that are most likely to work for you, Thesis takes the legwork out of trying nootropics.
Plus, when you become a Thesis customer, you’ll also get access to a nootropics expert. This coach is available for consultation at any time to help you optimize your nootropics routine so that you get the most out of these specialized supplements. This includes keeping track of your progress, as well as answering any and all questions you may have about the science supporting each ingredient.
What’s inside Thesis' blends?
At this point, you’re probably wondering what nootropic blends Thesis has to offer, and what secret sauce ingredients lie within. Thesis currently has six different formulations, each designed to target specific needs:
- Energy
- Clarity
- Motivation
- Confidence
- Logic
- Creativity
After filling out Thesis’ online questionnaire, I was recommended all but their Creativity blend. Below, I’ll outline the key nootropic ingredients inside each, as well as review my own personal experience in experimenting with them for the first time.
Energy formula Ingedients
Thesis’ Energy formula is designed to boost energy, fight fatigue, and improve mental stamina. Its ingredients include:
- Choline, for learning and memory
- NAC, for detoxification
- NALT, to support nerve cell communication
- Sabroxy®, for a dopamine boost and heightened memory
- TeaCrine®, for improved motivation, energy, and cognitive function
- Zynamite®, for mental and physical energy
- Caffeine, for energy and alertness
- L-Theanine, for an improved stress response
Review of Thesis energy – did it work for me?
Keep in mind that the power of placebo is well documented, as is the tremendous bias in self-reporting of any kind. These two factors, in combination with the day-to-day choppiness of life in general, make it hard to objectively determine how well supplements of any kind work for a given individual, much less the general population at large.
That said, putting those caveats aside for sec, I took Thesis’ energy blend for 6 days straight, and I definitely felt more ALERT. The results were noticeable and fairly instant – I felt more alive and energetic within the first hour of taking the four recommended pills, and the feeling generally continued late into the afternoon.
Fearful that my morning cup of coffee might overshadow or confound the nootropic’s effects, my routine was to take Thesis’ energy formula first thing in the morning with just a glass of water. It could just be the pill’s healthy dose of caffeine (or again, perhaps just placebo?), but regardless, I no longer craved coffee. Thesis’ Energy nootropics jolted me to full attention and kept my energy high for hours. If you’re looking for a caffeine replacement, or perhaps just an extra boost after a night of poor sleep, I definitely recommend Thesis’ blend for higher energy. Here’s what they pills look like up close:
The one downside? I ended up trying Thesis Energy with coffee one morning and felt pretty jittery. Of course, caffeine (and nootropics!) affect everyone differently, so if you’re eager to give these a shot, try them with and without your normal dose of coffee or tea to see how you feel. For me, I only needed one, not both, but it’s worth testing to find out what works for you!
Clarity formula ingredients
Do you find yourself often feeling foggy or forgetful? If so, Thesis’s Clarity formula may be worth a try. Formulated for increased focus and attention span, the Clarity nootropics are designed to help you more easily enter a flow state.
What ingredients are inside Thesis’ Clarity? Their unique formula contains:
- 7,8-DHF, for neural communication, neurogenesis, and neuroprotection
- Alpha GPC, for memory, neurogenesis, and neuroprotection
- Epicatechin, for improved mood, blood flow, and neuroprotection
- Lion’s Mane, for improved memory consolidation and neuroprotection
- Caffeine, for energy and alertness
- L-Theanine, for a better response to stress
Review of Thesis clarity – my personal experience
In my next phase of experimentation with Thesis nootropics, I decided to sample the Clarity blend for 6 days straight. Note that these six days did not overlap with days I took other nootropics, as I wanted to document my reaction to their blends independently, rather than seeing how I felt taking all of them together at once.
Although the benefits of Thesis’ Clarity blend were admittedly less immediate and noticeable than those I experienced with their Energy blend, I can honestly report that on the days I took Clarity, I found it easy to maintain a state of mental flow for longer. I generally don’t struggle to enter flow and engage deeply with my work, and this remained true while taking Thesis Clarity. What was different for me, however, was the duration of my flow, and I did my best to document these benefits closely through journaling.
To try and make my process as scientific as possible, at lunch each day I recorded how long I was able to stay focused that AM, and then again at dinner, noting how long I had been able to focus in that afternoon. Upon comparing my notes from the week I took Clarity vs the week I didn’t take anything at all, some clear benefits emerged. Overall, I was able to stay in a state of flow for ~35% longer with Thesis Clarity, although I’d be careful not to assume similar results too broadly for a couple of key reasons.
For one, placebo could very much be to blame given that I wanted to be more focused, and thus that desire alone could be to blame for my positive results. There’s also a small sample bias. Having only taken Clarity for one week, my self-reported data is a long way from “scientific significance”.
That said, nootropics and supplements are all about how you feel, and the end conclusion remains the same: I felt focused for longer when taking Thesis’ recommended blend for Clarity. If you find yourself being overly fidgety, forgetful, or disengaged at work, I recommend you give Thesis Clarity a shot.
Motivation formula ingredients
The Motivation formula is intended to boost willpower and productivity while reducing procrastination. This formula from Thesis includes the following nootropic ingredients:
- Artichoke extract, for stress management and circulation
- Dynamine®, for crash-free energy and a mood boost
- Forskolin, for improved cognitive function
- L-Phenylalanine, for mood, attention, and motivation
- B12, for energy and nerve wellness
- Caffeine, for energy and alertness
- Theanine, for an improved stress response
Review of Thesis Motivation
Although I consider myself highly motivated, we all have days when we feel kind of “meh”. Rather than sampling Thesis’ Motivation nootropic every day for six days in a row, as I had with other blends, I instead opted to only experiment with them on days I woke up feeling noticeably uninspired. Interestingly, but perhaps not so surprisingly, these mostly fell on Mondays, although I felt less inclined to face my responsibilities on other days as well.
So, on these days of lower motivation when I took Thesis’ recommended Motivation nootropics, how did they make me feel? Honestly, I’m not sure. When reviewing my journal entries, I don’t notice any strong signs that the Thesis’ Motivation nootropics helped me significantly. It’s possible they acted in more subtle or slower ways because, by the afternoon, my notes indicate that I always felt fully engaged and motivated with whatever I was doing. But I must admit, I felt no sudden rush of motivation or anything super perceptible about Thesis’ nootropics for Motivation.
This may be because I didn’t adequately measure my personal motivation level while journaling. It could also be that on cherry-picking days I felt less motivated and heavily on biased my experience. For instance, I wonder if my results would have been more pronounced if I took Motivation consistently every day? Ultimately, I should probably test Thesis’ Motivation blend more before drawing any hard conclusions. And again, it’s worth noting that everyone’s body is quite different. While I don’t struggle with day-to-day motivation, others clearly do, and thus might see more noticeable results than I did.
Creativity formula ingedients
Thesis’s Creativity formula is designed to spark inspiration, improve verbal fluency, and provide a boost of confidence. It contains:
- Agmatine, for stress management
- Alpha GPC, support for memory, neuroprotection, and neurogenesis
- Ginseng, for learning and memory
- Ashwagandha, to promote calm in stressful settings
- Zembrin®, for mood regulation and blood flow to the brain
- Caffeine, for energy
- L-Theanine, for an improved stress response
My review of thesis creativity
Unfortunately, Thesis didn’t recommend this formula to me, so I can’t comment on its efficacy. That said, it’s one of Thesis’ most popular formulations, and thus seems to work for thousands of happy customers. I’ll update this section when I have a chance to try it first-hand.
Confidence formula ingredients
Confidence is the newest nootropic blend from Thesis. It contains ingredients to target stress and insecurities while fostering a sense of self-assurance. The idea behind the Confidence blend is that it will help users to feel more sure of themselves and stay in the present.
The Confidence nootropic ingredients include:
- Magnesium L-threonate
- Ashwagandha
- Saffron
- Sage
Review of Thesis Confidence – does it work?
Even the most self-assured among us crave more confidence. That’s because it’s attractive and infectious. As Thesis’ newest nootropic blend, Confidence is recommended for “high-pressure situations” when you want to “expand your comfort zone”, so I decided to reserve mine for situations in which I was meeting new people, which often, for me, means anticipatory social anxiety.
Recording how I felt two hours before leaving to meet new folks (both for business and pleasure), and then comparing that to my notes from just one hour before each meeting, a clear pattern emerged. In all cases, I reported feeling more relaxed and ready for new encounters after taking Thesis nootropics.
Absent any supplements whatsoever, my typical levels of social anxiety generally increase steadily up until the moment I see people. Generally, I turn to meditation to try to remedy that in the short term. However, that didn’t appear to be the case the 6 times I sampled Thesis’ confidence formula, although it’s unclear why. Perhaps it’s a placebo effect. But in any event, I was encouraged to keep trying Thesis Confidence nootropics before performative moments of all kinds.
Do Thesis nootropics work?
I didn’t expect any nootropics to have a significant perceptible impact on my mood or cognition, yet 3 of the 4 blends that I tried brought real benefits. In case you missed it, I chronicled my experience trying various nootropic blends from Thesis above. Overall, I have to say I was pretty impressed with their results.
For me, Thesis’ Energy and Confidence blends worked the best. Clarity also helped me maintain flow for longer during the workday, but I didn’t notice any strong effects from their Motivation supplements. Of course, I don’t know for sure that the nootropics are directly responsible for the benefits I perceived after trialing each variety 6 times. It could have just been placebo effect or some other internal bias altering my perception of reality. But honestly, does it really matter? The effects were very positive, and for the most part, perceptible, too. That’s a win-win!
That said, everyone responds differently to nutrients, which explains why you should maintain a healthy dose of skepticism about how well nootropic blends might work for you. How can something as simple as an herb really make you feel happier, more focused, and more productive? You won’t know unless you try them for yourself and pay close attention to how you feel.
Since my initial exploration, several members of my team have tried Thesis nootropics as well. While we all agree that you likely won’t feel as stark of a mental difference from all natural nootropics as you would with synthetic prescription drugs, but we all experienced a noticeable, positive effect on mood, memory, energy, and focus. This corroborating evidence – albeit self-reported – reassured me that perhaps my experience wasn’t all placebo after all.
What’s it like to talk to a Thesis nootropic coach?
After trying Thesis supplements, I was eager to chat with their team of expert nootropic coaches to discuss my experience. Naturally, I wanted to know if what I felt was “normal”, as well as how to further optimize the benefits I felt by making adjustments. I know there are lots of telehealth platforms on the market and having a coach with the knowledge of something that I knew less about made me much more comfortable.
I was able to schedule a call within just a few days and chatted with someone named Cindy with a degree in neurobiology. She was able to explain how the various nootropics I had tried likely contributed to my experience and offered a few recommendations around what to try next given my individual results.
Ultimately, I not only enjoyed the conversation but felt like I had clear next steps. It was reassuring to know I could get advice again at any time in the future. This is an amazingly personal feature that makes Thesis stand out against other nootropic brands.
What active ingredients are inside?
Each ingredient included in Thesis’s formulations is backed by science, which you can find right on their website. There are ways to test for any deficiencies that you might have, which can also help you decide which supplements would benefit you. Here’s an overview:
Synapsa® (Bacopa monnieri plant)
Bacopa has been shown to boost memory recall and be neuroprotective.
TAU (uridine)
The body uses uridine to create choline (a cognitive enhancer), construct nerve cell membranes, and help prevent neuron damage.
7,8-DHF (dihydroxyflavone)
Studies indicate that 7,8-DHF can help protect against brain damage and neurological decline.
Choline supports nerve health, cerebral metabolism, and the function of neurotransmitters. It also has been shown to have neuroprotective benefits, preserving the health of your brain.
When it’s taken regularly, DHA has been shown to boost memory and reaction time.
Ashwagandha root helps regulate the body’s response to cortisol, the “stress hormone”.
The active components of GS15-4 Panax Ginseng have been found to boost memory formation and learning.
NALT (N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine)
NALT can increase alertness, energy, and cognitive function.
Artichoke extract
Artichoke extract is rich in antioxidants that can boost your overall bodily function and offer protection against stress and toxins.
NAC boosts levels of glutathione, which can reduce oxidative stress and help naturally detoxify the body.
Methylcobalamin, a form of vitamin B12, is used in Thesis supplements to improve nerve health and energy levels.
Lion’s Mane mushrooms
Lion’s Mane mushrooms can enhance your mood and quality of sleep while reducing stress levels.
There are a total of 28 ingredients found in Thesis nootropic blends. Others not listed above include alpha GPC, Zembrin®, phosphatidylserine, forskolin, Sabroxy®, TeaCrine®, agmatine, epicatechin, alpha GPC, Dynamine®, L-theanine, Zynamite®, L-Phenylalanine, theobromine, ginkgo Biloba, and caffeine.
Thesis alternatives: How does it compare to other nootropics?
Thesis vs Onnit vs Mind Lab Pro: What's the best nootropic brand? | |||
One-time purchase price | $119 $108 with code FINVSFIN | $80 | $69 |
Monthly subscription price | $79 $71 with code FINVSFIN | $68 | $51.75 (4 months for the price of 3) |
Access to expert nootropic coaching? | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Personalized formulas? | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Sample packs? | ❌ | ✅ (free for one week) | ❌ |
Refunds policy | 30 days | 90 days | "Empty bottle" money-back guarantee: use for 30 days and, if not satisfied, return the empty bottle within 60 days for a full refund |
Caffeine-free available? | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Fully Transparent ingredient dose? | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
Website |
The Verdict: Are Thesis Nootropics Legit?
Thesis Nootropic is ideal for anyone who wants to…
Armed with all of the information, including my own personal journey trying their nootropics for the first time, and a comparison of Thesis vs other popular alternatives… should you give Thesis a shot?
While Thesis is pricier than its competitors, we believe that their personalized approach is ultimately worth it for the value. For one, Thesis offers you access to an expert nootropics coach, who can seriously enhance your experience with the supplements and guide you on your journey to optimal mental performance.
Additionally, Thesis has done the heavy lifting of finding legitimate ingredients that are backed by reputable science and are more transparent with their ingredients and dosage than other brands. If we’re comparing to taking it upon yourself to test out individual nootropics on your own, Thesis will save you a ton of time.
Plus, the company’s unique blends pair ingredients that complement each other, and you won’t find these formulations anywhere else. They are custom formulas based on your individual needs, and you can try them for 30 days risk-free thanks to their money-back guarantee.
When push comes to shove, we’d recommend Thesis to anyone who’s interested in testing nootropics for the first time and doesn’t know where to start, as well as more experienced wellness enthusiasts looking to make nootropics a regular part of their self-care routine. For greater focus, energy, motivation, and a major mood boost, nootropics from Thesis worked for me, and with thousands of happy customers, it’s reasonable to assume their blends can work wonders for anyone willing to experiment under the guidance of one of their coaches. Of course, you’ll never know unless you try it out for yourself. Just don’t forget to use our promo code FINVSFIN for 10% off at checkout.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are nootropics?
Any natural or synthetic substance that can positively affect cognition, focus, memory, and other mental faculties, and sometimes your mood, is considered a nootropic.
Prescription stimulants like Adderall for ADHD are included as well. And while prescription drugs work for many, they typically exhibit a high instance of unwanted side effects. Natural remedies that boost mental performance, including organic supplements and dietary changes, are generally more sustainable over the long term.
In fact, many ADHD patients first discover nootropics after seeking healthier alternatives to Adderall and other pharmaceuticals.
Read this full comparison of nootropics vs Adderall for more details on the key differences.
How much do Thesis nootropics cost?
For a one-time purchase, Thesis costs $119 for a one-month supply. This isn’t the most economical way to try their nootropics, though. Instead, we’d recommend signing up for a subscription, which costs $79 for a one-month supply, and will force you to properly test Thesis over a longer period for more credible results.
Thesis offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, which eliminates the risk of trying them out. If you’re not sold after a month, you can simply get your investment back – no questions asked.
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We conduct extensive research to evaluate the pricing, effectiveness, accessibility, overall quality, and user experience of each product we review. This also included examining and comparing them to leading alternatives.
In this case, I personally bought, unboxed, and tested Thesis nootropics, then journaled about how I felt after taking them. I then tested several leading alternatives (Onnit and MindLabPro) to compare the relative effects.
Review Process | Key Metrics | Weighting |
Purchase online | – ease to complete intake form – affordability – upfront commitment or subscription required? – money back guarantee or refund policy? | 1 |
Shipping + unboxing | – shipping cost – time from order to treatment delivery – sustainable packaging | 1 |
Testing + journal for 1-3 months | – ease of use – transition into habitual use – taste / smell / feel / pain | 1.5 |
Results after 3 months of use | – efficacy / results – ease of forming a health habit – requires additional purchae? – responsive customer support – willingness to recommend to a friend | 1.5 |