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What are the Best Direct-to-Consumer Wellness Brands?


Top Direct-to-Consumer Brands

Best D2C brands

OverviewRelated Reviews
ApostropheApostrophe is an online dermatologist with telemedicine treatments for acne, hair loss, wrinkles, Rosacea, & more. Use code FIN10 at checkout for $10 off.Apostrophe skincare review
KeepsKeeps prescribes premium men's hair loss meds online.Hims vs Roman vs Keeps
tempoTempo is revolutionizing fitness with their AI-powerd home gym system that corrects your form and offers a wide variety of live workouts.Tempo vs Tonal vs Mirror
Himshims is an online pharmacy offering prescriptions for men's hair loss, ED, Premature ejaculation, & more. Hims vs Rogain review
hydrantHydrant is a leading brand of rapid rehydration electrolyte powder that hydrates you faster and more efficiently than water alone.Liquid IV vs Nuun vs Hydrant
RomanRoman is an online pharmacy offering prescriptions for men's hair loss, ED, Premature ejaculation, & more.Roman PE review
coveCove is the only DTC brand focuses on migraine relief treatments.Cove Migrain Relief review
LemonaidLemonaid is an online pharmacy offering wide range of prescription medications.Roman vs Lemonaid
hersHers sells prescription birth control, anxiety meds, and acne treatments for women online.Proactiv vs Curology vs Hers
CurologyCurology prescribes personalized prescription acne treatments.Proactive vs Curology vs Hers
CerebralCerebral is an online platform offering prescription m edication and teletherapy for anxiety and depression.Cerebral Mental Health Review
BrightsideBrightside provides treatment for depression and anxiety.Brightside Review
CerebralParsley Health delivers personalized doctor-led care and support for chronic conditions, online or in-person.Forward vs One Medical vs Parsley Health
REX MDREX MD provides prescribes inexpensive ED and hair loss medicine and treatment.Rex MD reviews
nurxNURX is a leader in online birth control and STI testing for women.Nurx Birth Control Review

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EyebobsEyebobs is a direct to consumer eyewear brand offering stylish and functional prescription frames at affordable prices.Coming Soon
HubbleHubble offers an affordable daily contact lens subscription.Hubble vs Waldo
WaldoWaldo manufactures affordable daily contact lenses and sells them direct to consumers online.Hubble vs Waldo
ContactsCartContactsCart is a discounted contact lenses retailer (Hubble's third-party marketplace).ContactsCart vs 1-800 Contacts
ZenniZenni is a leader in online prescription eyewear.Felix Gray vs Warby Parker vs Blokz

Review: Fast Growth D2C Brands
PairPair is an eyewear brand designed and made specifically for children.Pair Eyewear – Customizable Glasses for Kids
Felix GrayFelix Gray provides eyewear protecting against digital eye strain.Felix Gray vs Warby Parker vs Blokz
ScoutScout is a contact lenses maker and retailer.Hubble vs Scout by Warby Parker vs Waldo

Review: Scout Contacts by Warby Parker
Fitz FramesFitz Frames provides 3D printed custom light-weight, durable eyeglasses for kids.Quarterly D2C VC Funding
JinsJins is an affordable eyewear maker. Review: Fast Growth D2C Brands
Aveo VisionAveo Vision provides advanced, affordable, all‑day‑comfortable daily contacts.Hubble vs Acuvue vs Aveo
Review: Fast Growth D2C Brands
BillieBillie is a hip women's razor blade brand and shave subscription.Billie vs Flamingo vs Venus
ModibodiModibodi is popular brand of leak-proof period panties for women.Modibodi vs Ruby Love
quipQuip sells sleek and portable electric toothbrushes that are ideal for travellers.Quip vs Goby vs Sonicare
CandidCandid offers affordable invisible aligners that straighten teeth without visits to the orthodontist.Candid vs Byte vs Invisalign
Smile Direct ClubSmile Direct Club affers clear aligners that straighten teeth without visits to the orthodontist. They also recently launched an oral care product line as well.Smilelove vs Candid vs Smiledirectclub
ByteByte offers clear plastic aligners without visits to the orthodontist, as well as a high frequency vibrations therapy mouth guard that makes your aligners more effective.Candid vs Byte vs Invisalign
New Smile ClubNewSmile is a Canadian startup offering affordable clear aligners that straighten teeth without going to the orthodontist.NewSmile Aligner Review
GobyGoby sells sleek electric tooth brushes and other premium oral care products as a low-price monthly subscription.Quip vs Goby vs Sonicare
Himsglowup. offers a premium at-home teeth whitening kit that uses LED light to brighten your smile.Hismile vs Glowup vs Smiledirectclub
Burst Oral CareBurst provides affordable oral care products on a subscription basis, including a powerful electric toothbrush.Burst vs Crest Whitestrips
Super SmileSuperSmile is yet another premium oral care product brand with the option of a subscription.Coming soon
HiSmileHiSmile provides oral cosmetic products such as teeth whitening kits and toothpastes that contain all natural ingredients to brighten teeth without sensitivity.Hismile vs Glowup vs Smiledirectclub
AlignerCoAlignerCo offers an affordable way to straighten teeth with invsibile aligners sent directly to your door.SnapCorrect vs Smile Direct Club vs AlignerCo
DrizlyDrizly is the fastest alcohol delivery app, bringing you booze in 60 minutes or less.Drizly vs Saucey
grazeGraze offers delivers nutritious snack boxes.Coming soon
GroveGrove is a marketplace for healthier groceries and home essentials.Coming soon
HintHint ships fruit infused bottled water directly to your door.Coming soon
Home ChefHome Chef is a leading fresh meal kit delivery subscription.Coming soon
Hungry HarvestHungry Harvest offers farm-to-doorstep produce delivery.Misfits Market vs Imperfect Produce vs Hungry Harvest
NoomNoom is a leading weight-loss app for building healthier habits.Noom vs Nutrisystem Weight Loss System Review
HungryRootHungryRoot delivers healthy meals ready to eat in <10 minutes.Coming soon
OllieOllie is a leading fresh dog food subscription service.Ollie vs Pet Plat vs NomNomNow
Pet PlatePet Plate offers a fresh dog food subscription to keep your furry friends healthy.Ollie vs Pet Plat vs NomNomNow
RitualRitual sells personalized vitamin formulations for women.Gem vs Ritual Women's Vitamins Review
ThriveThrive is a members-only market for sustainably-sourced organic goods.Online Organic Markets Review
FreshlyFreshly prepares chef-cooked, healthy meals and delivers them to your door.Coming soon
Misfits MarketMisfits Market reduces food waste by partnering with local farmers and selling their excess produce to consumers in a healthy subscription box.Misfits Market vs Imperfect Produce vs Hungry Harvest
SommSomm helps support sleep. It's that simple. Drink one can 30 minutes before bed. Best of all, you can sleep easy knowing it's gluten-, dairy-, and drug-free.Coming soon
CalibrateCalibrate provides one-year program for weight loss.Calibrate Review
RootineRootine is a brand for personalized nutrient Formula based on science and biology.Rootine Review
Care/ofCare/of helps find the right vitamins, protein and collagen.Persona vs Care/of vs Baze
GEMGEM is a real food Vitamin designed to support your daily nutritional needs with ingredients you understand.GEM vs Ritual
GeologieGeologie is the most respected high-quality men's skincare brand for the modern man. Fabric vs Geologie vs Kiehls

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About D2C Products

When pondering the most radical transformation in retail over the last ten years, what comes to mind? Many praise technology because, well, it’s true. You can’t understate the impact of Amazon, social media, and smart devices on consumer behavior. But just as important has been the direct-to-consumerization of everything.


Unfamiliar with the “Direct-to-Consumer” (also called DTC or D2C) movement? The phrase describes the stampede of hip, digital-first brands selling everyday items online that you used to buy at a store or from a third party wholesaler. Beyond a stunning social media presence, DTC brands offer greater convenience, typically via a subscription model that ships your orders on autopilot, directly to your door. Products range from fresh dog food to underwear, produce boxes to contact lenses, and just about everything in between.


With 8 or 9 figure revenues and billion-dollar acquisitions, many popular DTC brands are disrupting their industry. For example, Gillette’s share of the U.S. men’s razor market fell from 70% to 54% between 2010 and 2016 — precisely the same time brands such as Dollar Shave Club and Harry’s carved out their own sizable slices of the pie. Unilever then responded by purchasing Dollar Shave Cub for a cool billion (with a “b”). Meanwhile, the same trend of rapid disruption and acquisition took hold beyond just shaving across a wide variety of product categories.


How did we come up with this list of D2C brands?

With so many Direct-to-Consumer companies out there, we needed a framework to choose only 40. We wanted to be objective and name the most legitimate and likely to stick around for the long haul. Starting by gathering a fairly comprehensive list of well-known D2C companies we knew personally or could find in public databases like Crunchbase and CBinsights (excluding fashion, for now), we scored them based on 5 key empirical metrics. We then assigned each of those core metrics a weight (out of 100% total) based on the strength of the signal:


  • Venture capital funding – 25%
  • Website’s monthly unique visitors – 25%
  • Instagram – 16.67%
  • Facebook – 16.67%
  • Twitter – 16.67%


Next we needed to calculate individual scores between 1 and 10 for each key metric. So we established ranges for each KPI with evenly-tiered point values. As an example, here’s how we assigned points for venture funding:


  • 1 point for funding <$5,000,000
  • 2 points for $5,000,000 – $20,000,000
  • 3 points for $20,000,000 – $35,000,000
  • 4 points for  $35,000,000 – $50,000,000
  • 5 points for $50,000,000 – $65,000,000
  • 6 points for $65,000,000 – $80,000,000
  • 7 points for  $80,000,000 – $95,000,000
  • 8 points for $95,000,000 – $110,000,000
  • 9 points  for $110,000,000 – $125,000,000
  • 10 points – $125,000,000+


For example, a D2C brand with $42 million in funding would score a 4. After doing this for all five metrics, we calculated the score using the formula below:


Overall score = (VC Funding Score*.25) + (Unique_visitors_score*.25) + ( Instagram_followers_score*.167) + (Facebook_followers_score*.167) + (Twitter_followers_score*.167)


What exactly defines a “Direct-to-Consumer Brand”?

So is any company that delivers technically “Direct to consumer”? Not exactly. Let’s take a step back and fully define what we mean by a “D2C brand”. In the traditional value chain for retailers, brands managed everything from design, production and marketing before passing the baton to larger retailers for distribution and sales. As an example, most tampon producers used to only sell to retailers like brick and mortar pharmacies or on third party marketplaces like Amazon. These third party intermediaries were the only way brands knew how to sell to their end customer.


Direct-to-Consumer brands are different because they take on the distribution and sales of their product themselves. They opt not to pass the baton, which not only gives brands more control of the customer journey, but also increases profits. Over time, it tends to be more efficient for brands to take on the work themselves. The consumer benefits because D2C companies often pass on these savings to their customers in the form of lower prices, or by subsidizing a better experience (i.e. free shipping, introductory offers, etc.) In general, it’s a win for consumers, and presents a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs.

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