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Alex Goldberg

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Best TRT Online: How to Get Testosterone Therapy Online

About the Author

Alex Goldberg

Alex worked at three early-stage startups before starting Fin vs Fin. Covering the rise of direct-to-consumer health, his mission is to help patients access better treatments online. He's also a husband, father, and UC Berkeley grad who enjoys golf, podcasts, live music, cooking, and home improvement.

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Medically reviewed by:
Dr. Steve Kim, MD

About Dr. Steve Kim, MD

Physician Advisor

Dr. Kim received his BA in Human Biology at Stanford University, before receiving his M.D. degree (Primary Care Track) from UC Davis School of Medicine. He completed his Internship & Residency in Family Practice from Glendale Adventist Hospital and is Board-Certified in Family Medicine via the American Board of Family Medicine. He has held faculty appointments at Stanford & UCSF medical schools and has championed telemedicine for decades. He is also a decorated, retired Flight Surgeon from the US Air Force Reserves.

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In this Article

Alex Goldberg

We don’t need to review how important testosterone is. It helps boost libido, build bone and muscle mass, regulate mood and energy, and produce red blood cells. Having lower than normal levels can cause a range of symptoms that make you feel, well, just not quite like yourself. And unfortunately almost 5 million men in the US suffer from hypogonadism, the technical term for low T. 


Complications are common as hormone levels decline with age. In fact, men 65+ have a 60% higher chance of having lower than desired levels of testosterone when compared to men 30 to 35. That said, it’s not rare for younger men to experience this condition as well.


Luckily, many Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) clinics online are eager to help you treat hypogonadism virtually – often without leaving your house and for a lot less than traditional in-person care.


In this article, we review the best options for TRT online, comparing modern telehealth providers like Blokes, Hone, Fountain, and Peter MD, as well Science and Humans  and Jack Health in Canada.


Curious where to find the most affordable TRT online? Our medical advisory team has researched each provider in-depth and weighs in below.


Best TRT Clinics Online

After thoroughly researching the most popular online TRT clinics in the US, our medical advisory team created this chart to help you quickly understand the differences between popular online providers such as Peter MD, Blokes, Ro, Maximus and Fountain TRT.


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Still unsure? Check out the full reviews on our site for a more in-depth analysis of Peter MD, Blokes, Hone, Fountain TRT, and Maximus to find out which hormone optimization therapy service is best for your needs.

Low T Supplements: What are the best OTC testosterone boosters?

If Rx testosterone treatment seems scary – either because of the needles, potential side effects, or high price point – you have other options. For many, improving your hormone levels is achievable without TRT, and instead simple over-the-counter testosterone booster supplements may suffice.


Here are our medical advisory team’s favorite supplements for low T after researching a few dozen options:

Ro vs Ageless Male vs Testogen vs Rex MD

PriceFirst month for $10,
then $35 per month
$40 per month$60 per month,
or $120 for 3 months ($40/month),
or $180 for 5 months ($36/month)
$35 per month,
or $80 for 3 months ($26/month),
or $150 for 6 months ($25/month)
Active ingredients - Ashwagandha
- Zinc
- Magnesium
- Vitamin D3
- Maca
- Copper
- Vitamin D
- Niacin
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B12
- Zinc
- Ashwagandha
- D-Aspartic acid
- Fenugreek extract
- Vitamin D3
- Zinc
- Korean Red Ginseng
- Boron
- Nettle leaf extract
- Magnesium
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin K1
- Bioperine
- Tongkat Ali extract
- Fenugreek
Stimulant free?
Recommended use2 tablets with lunch + 2 tablets with dinner 1 tablet with breakfast + 1 tablet with your largest meal of the day4 capsules daily 1 capsule daily
Moneyback guarantee?✅ (100 day money back guarantee)
Free shipping?

Ro offers the most affordable testosterone booster supplements starting at just $20 per month. Simply put, Ro’s pills contain the best ingredient lineup for the lowest price. Read our full review of Roman testosterone support for details to learn why it’s our favorite. 

Best At-Home Testosterone Test

If you’re experiencing low-T symptoms but aren’t sure if they warrant treatment, a great first step is to take an at-home testosterone test. Here’s a roundup of the best at-home testosterone tests you can self-administer to evaluate your hormone levels:


Best At-Home Testosterone Kit: LetsGetChecked vs Everlywell vs Ro

What do they test?Total testosteroneTotal testosterone Total testosterone
Collection methodFinger PrickFinger PrickFinger Prick
Results available in 5-7 days2-5 days4 days
What's included?- Physician reviewed results + recorded overview
- Health tracking over time on app
- Medical support
- Virtual consultation with a physician
Expiration date3 months6 months 80 days

What are the Best In-Person TRT Clinics?

In-person treatment may be preferable to patients who do not wish to have medical consultations virtually, or those who lack necessary technology for virtual communication. Low T Center, Defy Medical, and Royal Medical Center three of the most popular in-person TRT clinics in the US. Below we compare them in-depth.


Best In-Person TRT Clinics: Low T Center vs Royal vs Defy

Cost of TRT - $85/month for at-home injectable TRT - $135/month for in-person treatment - $195/month – this includes all physical exams, lab testing, consultations, and medications.- The cost is not directly listed on the website but Defy Medical is priced to be accessible to those not covered by insurance.
Who administers treatment?- Administered by a medical professional every 7 to 10 days. - Medication is shipped to your home every two months - Medication is shipped to your home every two months
TRT Administration type - Injections- Injections - Injections
- Pills
- Creams
- Gels
- Nasal Gels
- Pellets
Where are they located?Click here to view a map of all 47 locations throughout the U.S. They are open and offering at-home testosterone therapy. Royal is partially virtual and contracts with thousands of local practitioners for physical exam and lab work.Tampa, Florida
Appointment info - Open 7 days a week
- Initial appointments before 11am
- First two visits for health assessment
- Second visit usually 48 hours later
- First visit requires annual physical and labwork - Follow-up labs after 30-90 days on plan- Accepts walk-ins
- Open Tuesday – Friday from 8am - 5pm + Saturday from 9am - 2pm

The Verdict: Where should you get testosterone therapy online?

Having now thoroughly researched the marketplace for diagnosis options and treatments available to men with low T, let’s review my top tips for evaluating your hormone levels and optimizing your testosterone from the comfort of home:


  1. Start with an at-home testosterone test 
  2. If your levels seem low, next try an over-the counter testosterone booster supplement
  3. Finally, if your symptoms don’t improve, sign up for online TRT or find an in-person clinic nearby

When it comes down to the three main online TRT clinics we examined – Hone vs Peter MD vs Blokes – the choice of which to ultimately go with will likely be determined by where you live. That’s because each currently only services a restricted geography, although that may not be true for long as each is rapidly expanding their areas of service.


Curious which we think is best? See our top picks for TRT, supplements, and at-home testing kits:


Blokes is our #1 pick for TRT online

With the widest array of treatment options, competitive pricing, and various application methods for the injection-shy, we recommend Blokes as the best online TRT provider in the US. (If you’re based in Canada, our top pick is Science & Humans.)



If your budget is tight, Peter MD is your best bet as it offers the least expensive TRT online.



Learn More →


Everlywell offers the best at-home test.


Before you jump into TRT or supplements, it’s worth taking a quick at-home test to see if your testosterone levels are low.


For just $69, Everlywell offers the least expensive way to accurately evaluate your own testosterone and determine if you’re a candidate for more involved low T treatments.



Try Everlywell →

Ro offers the best non-Rx treatment.

If hormone replacement therapy seems too expensive, risky, or invasive, try Ro’s testosterone support for ~$20 per month.


Many men with low T often see symptoms improve with over-the-counter supplements that work to boost your body’s natural testosterone production.


Read our full review of Ro’s supplement for low T, and click below to see the current pricing. If you don’t mind paying a little bit more for the convenience of only taking one pill per day instead of 4, try Rex MD instead.

Check Price →


Maximus offers the best low-risk alternative.



The world of hormone optimization treatments is vast and encompasses less mainstream options such as peptides and enclomiphene, just to name a few.


If you’ve you’re looking for a lower-risk TRT alternative, we highly recommend Maximus’s King protocol. Read our full review and check it out for yourself to learn more and see if it makes sense for you.




Try Maximus →


Since testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) poses serious side effect risks,  the decision to start shouldn’t be made lightly. Fortunately getting TRT online is far more convenient and affordable than traditional in-person clinics. If you’ve determined it’s the right course of treatment for you, there are several reputable providers to look into.


As the most affordable option, Peter MD offers treatments for just $99/month.


Our top choice for TRT online is Blokes. They offer the widest range of quality treatments, and when it comes to hormone optimization, that can be really important given how hard it can be to bring up your testosterone levels (and keep them steady). In addition to traditional TRT at an affordable rate, Blokes also offers less traditional, but still very legitimate and science-backed alternative options for low T.


Science and Humans is very affordable and our #1 pick for Canadians. They are the country’s leading hormone optimization startup on a mission to make access to TRT online super simple, affordable, and insurance-friendly.


Regardless of what treatment or service you decide to try, one main takeaway is to always be aware of your physical and mental health. Watching for symptoms outside of normal behaviors is key to staying ahead of any health-threatening conditions. Committing to getting annual blood work is a smart way to stay ahead of the curve. Additionally, we highly recommend consulting with your primary medical practitioner – not just a TRT provider’s doctors alone – before beginning any new treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

TRT is a medical method of normalizing hormonal levels to a healthy level for men with low T. The prevalence of low testosterone in men has led to the creation of many different variations of testosterone replacement therapies and treatments. Generally hormones are injected at a regular cadence to stabilize your levels and reduce unwanted symptoms.

Research has shown that TRT is an effective treatment option, with one clinical trial showing a 73 percent success rate of patients returning to a normal hormonal range after 12 weeks of testosterone replacement therapy. Nonetheless, the therapy still comes with its risks and side effects that patients should be aware of before beginning their TRT journey.

The potential side effects experienced while undergoing testosterone replacement therapy vary in severity. A commonly seen effect is a change in skin texture and health (such as increased oiliness or acne). Other potential side effects  can include:


  • An increase in breast tissue (Gynecomastia) or tenderness
  • Disturbed breathing while sleeping
  • Swelling of the ankles


However, there are more serious risks involved. TRT poses the risk of increasing the risk of blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. Moreover, it increases the risk of erythrocytosis, a condition in which your body produces too many red blood cells.


One challenge that many face with TRT is transitioning off treatment. Since reducing hormone levels generally makes you feel bad, it can seem like there’s no end in sight to testosterone replacement therapy once you start, unless you want to feel low T symptoms again.


That said, the key to stopping TRT treatment smoothly is to work closely with a trusted doctor. The top online TRT providersHone Health, Peter Uncaged MD, and Blokes in the US (as well as OnMen in Canada) — typically require an online consultation with a doctor to determine if you’re a good fit before any labs are ordered. Once they confirm you’re a good candidate for treatment, these TRT providers will order your labs and connect you with licensed doctors for ongoing help adjusting your dose,  pausing, or stopping altogether.


Ultimately the range, severity, and frequency of symptoms associated with stopping testosterone therapy will range depending on how well your doctor helps you wind down your regime.



Over the counter testosterone supplements are a common alternative to TRT, but results aren’t as immediate nor as strong. Some research has shown the effectiveness of using Clomid (clomiphene citrate) as an alternative to TRT as well.


Clomid is known for its ability to stimulate hormones and has traditionally been used to increase ovulation and fertility in women. Currently, the FDA only approves the use of Clomid in women, but further research is being done into its potential for male testosterone use.


Shop Clomid Online →


Testosterone Replacement Therapy is typically prescribed in the form of an injection every one to two weeks. 


TRT can also be administered in the form of a gel application that must be applied over specific areas of the body – normally the upper arms, shoulders, or thighs. Gel is advantageous in that it can be highly effective and removes the pain of using needles for injections. Other alternatives to shots include skin or mouth patches and implants.


Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic that made it difficult to do anything in-person, there are now many online testosterone clinics have made it exceedingly easy to get male hormone replacement therapy online. Here’s how they typically work:


1. Choose an online TRT provider that services your area. Note that, while you can access any one of these online providers’ websites, there are laws governing telemedicine that restrict them from operating everywhere. If you live in the US, Blokes, Hone Health, and Peter Uncaged MD are your best options. If you live in Canada, check out instead.


2. Create an account online with your contact and payment information, then request lab work. This can either be done in an in-person lab like LabCorp, although some companies like Hone even offer a simple, at-home blood test kit.


3. Collect your blood sample. This is either done at home by following the step-by-step directions on your at-home text kit to collect your blood sample via a painless finger prick. Most companies charge a small amount for this at-home kit to cover their costs, but so do most in-person clinics. Other providers may send you to a local in-person lab to collect your sample, rather than using an at-home kit.


4. Send back your collected sample to the lab for analysis. They’ll coordinate with your provider’s doctors so they can create a customized hormone treatment plan.


5. Schedule a virtual consult with one of the online TRT providers’ doctors to go over your personalized plan, including instructions for prescription hormone replacement therapy and/or recommended supplements.


6. Receive testosterone therapy meds each month, delivered discreetly to your door. Follow the recommended instructions to start feeling like yourself again in just a few  weeks.


Hone, Peter Uncaged MD, and Blokes are the top US-based online clinics that offer full testosterone replacement therapy. You can get a free virtual consultation, and if deemed a good fit, get prescriptions shipped to your door.


All three companies require blood tests to determine a client’s level of need, although only Hone is currently the only to offer an at-home test kit that you can use to (painlessly) prick your finger and ship back a blood sample without going in-person.


Another standout feature of Hone Health is that guys who already have lab results can use them and save. Additionally, they offer three different subscription plans. The first two, the preventative and the proactive plans, are excellent for those at risk for low T who want to stay ahead of the curve.


That said, at just $99 per month, Peter Uncaged MD offers a less expensive TRT subscription. For the budget conscious, it’s by far the most affordable we’ve found on the market.


All three companies offer a team of certified medical professionals that will be available to a client on a regular basis. Hone Health’s customer support team is particularly useful, though, offering 24/7 service. Obviously it’s important to have access to professionals when you start adjusting hormone levels in case you experience unwanted side effects.


Blokes offers a bit more than just TRT, with the option of Peptide therapy to enhance the body’s natural functioning by infusing it with testosterone. This involves using targeted Amino acids to create certain reactions in the body, which play an important role in correcting the body’s symptoms caused by low testosterone. Peptide therapy has proven to increase energy levels, muscle mass, sex drive, and more. Read more about this in our full review of Blokes.

OnMen is a relatively new telemedicine company that offers all sorts of treatments and services in the categories of sex, hair, PrEP, and last but certainly not least, testosterone replacement therapy. To access the products offered by OnMen, potential patients start with a simple online questionnaire.


From there, a licensed clinician will review your application and determine if the products provided by OnMen are a good fit. If so, you’ll get a request for a metabolic and hormonal blood panel, and then schedule a virtual consultation with an OnMen doctor to review your results. If your condition is deemed worthy of medication, the doctor will then prescribe you TRT meds and have it delivered to your door.


OnMen’s online customer experience is extremely convenient, and definitely beats any in-person clinic. Currently OnMen is only available in Ontario, but they are planning to expand their services across Canada soon. They are the best provider of online TRT in Canada that we’ve seen, although we’d be surprised if more quality competition didn’t enter the space soon.


Looking at dozens of customer reviews collected from sites like Reddit and TrustPilot, it’s clear Hone Health offers a very legitimate and reliable digital health clinic. Thousands of men claim to have used the service successfully to optimize their hormone levels, earning them a 4.7/5 stars overall on Truspilot from over 600 reviews (at the time of publication).


Our own medical advisory team reviewed Hone’s service and rated it 4.8 / 5 stars.  See why in our review of Hone:


Read Hone Health Review


Here are a few of our favorites online reviews from real Hone health TRT customers:


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Peter MD has helped thousands of men optimize their testosterone levels, earning them a 4.8/5 stars overall on Trustpilot from over 2000 reviews (at the time of publication).


Our own medical advisory team reviewed Peter MD and rated it 4.9 / 5 stars.  See why in our in-depth review of their virtual TRT clinic here:


Review Peter MD →


Here are a few of our favorites online reviews from real Peter MD TRT customers:

If you’re curious about your own hormone levels, but aren’t quite ready to commit to consulting with a doctor yet, we recommend trying an at-home male hormone test. LetsGetChecked offers one for just  $139 $98 (30% off with code FINVSFIN30) to help you identify low testosterone in the privacy of your own home and determine if TRT is the right next step.



Use code FINVSFIN30 for 30% off a male hormone test


There are many other companies online that offer testosterone blood testing, including Everlywell and Labcorp OnDemand.


Understanding what physical and mental impacts lower levels of testosterone have on male bodies is crucially important. For adult men, hypogonadism (low T) can cause a number of different symptoms. A few potential symptoms that can indicate low testosterone include:



If you’re experiencing these, you may be a good candidate for TRT, but you’ll need to first take a blood test to further evaluate your testosterone levels. Companies like Blokes, Hone, and Peter Uncaged make this diagnosis process easy by connecting you with an online doctor who can help you take the first step virtually.

Still unsure where to start?

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We conduct extensive research to evaluate the pricing, effectiveness, accessibility, overall quality, and user experience of each product we review. This also included examining and comparing them to several alternatives.

Review ProcessKey MetricsWeighting
Purchase online– ease to complete intake form
– affordability
– upfront commitment or subscription required?
– money back guarantee or refund policy?
Shipping + unboxing– shipping cost
– time from order to treatment delivery
– sustainable packaging
Testing + journal for 1-3 months– ease of use
– transition into habitual use
– taste / smell / feel / pain
Results after 3 months of use– efficacy / results
– ease of forming a health habit
– requires additional purchae?
– responsive customer support
– willingness to recommend to a friend

More TRT Reviews

About the Author

Alex Goldberg

Alex worked at three early-stage startups before starting Fin vs Fin. Covering the rise of direct-to-consumer health, his mission is to help patients access better treatments online. He's also a husband, father, and UC Berkeley grad who enjoys golf, podcasts, live music, cooking, and home improvement.

Learn more
Alex Goldberg

Alex Goldberg

Alex worked at three early-stage startups before starting Fin vs Fin. Covering the rise of direct-to-consumer health, his mission is to help patients access better treatments online. He's also a husband, father, and UC Berkeley grad who enjoys golf, podcasts, live music, cooking, and home improvement.

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