- Testicular shrinkage is a known, but avoidable side effect of TRT.
- Studies show that other treatments, like human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and Clomid (clomiphene), can prevent or reverse shrinkage when taken alongside TRT.
- Enclomiphene, a TRT alternative, can boost your body’s natural testosterone production and isn’t associated with testicular shrinkage, which may be a preferred option for some individuals.
- Over-the-counter testosterone boosters are best left on the shelf, with a few exceptions, like fish oil supplements, which do have some research behind them.
If you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone like weight gain, fatigue, reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and more, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) may seem like the next step to look into. However, one of the potential side effects, namely testicular, or ball, shrinkage, may seem too risky or invasive for you to entertain exploring this treatment further.
Keep in mind that there are ways to reduce your risk of testicular shrinkage while still reaping the many benefits of TRT, like improved sex drive, mood, and energy levels.
To help you feel empowered to make the best decision for your health, we break down everything you need to know about how and why TRT affects your balls, including how adjunct and/or alternative treatments like human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), Clomid, and more can help you offset or avoid those effects.
Preventing and Reversing Testicular Shrinkage on TRT
Taking any kind of hormone treatment always comes with some inherent risks. No matter how much research or preparation you do, you won’t really know how a hormone will affect you until you try it for yourself. That said, you can give yourself a fairly clear idea of what’s possible and what’s not by having a detailed discussion with your healthcare provider about TRT, TRT alternatives, as well as treatments you can add to your TRT regimen, which may help reduce the risk of testicular shrinkage.
Be sure to discuss any conditions or symptoms you currently have, as well as any prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) vitamins, supplements, and medications you are taking. This way, they can recommend an appropriate treatment that takes into account your medical history.
How to Prevent Testicular Shrinkage on TRT
If you’re on TRT, there are several medications you can consider using alongside your treatment to prevent testicular shrinkage, including hCG and Clomid.
If you’re open to not going the TRT route, you may consider enclomiphene, a non-hormonal TRT alternative treatment that boosts your body’s natural testosterone production and isn’t associated with testicular shrinkage.
Related reading: Jack Health TRT Review – Does TRT Really Work?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin(hCG)
If you’re set on pursuing TRT, you may want to consider adding a treatment called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone that increases fertility. It is also clinically proven to increase genital size, so it’s a great preventive option for anyone who doesn’t want their testicles to shrink on TRT.
For individuals who are worried about TRT impacting their future chances of having a child or children, hCG is definitely something to discuss with your doctor.
HCG Dosage to Reverse Testicular Atrophy
You may end up injecting anywhere from 250 IU every other day to 1000 IU once a week. However, there’s no one hCG dose that’ll work for everyone who’s looking to reverse testicular shrinkage, so be sure to have a conversation with your doctor about your needs and preferences.
If you’re interested in pursuing this adjunct treatment, brands like Fountain, Peter MD, and Science & Humans offer online access to hCG to those who qualify.
According to clinical studies, it can take up to six months for hCG to noticeably increase testicular volume, but hormones affect everyone differently, so each person’s experience can vary.
Clomid (clomiphene) is considered an effective treatment for individuals experiencing low testosterone levels and can be added as an adjunct to TRT or as a TRT alternative option. According to research, when it is used along with TRT, this medication can help prevent testicular shrinkage.
Related reading: Where to Buy Clomid Online
Do Testosterone Boosters Increase Testicle Size?
Unlike TRT, which is always directed by a qualified medical professional, over-the-counter testosterone boosters aren’t regulated by the FDA and therefore won’t always be safe to take.
While specific studies show that certain supplements, such as fish oil, have boosted some individual’s sperm count or testicular size, the overall body of scientific evidence regarding testosterone boosters reveals more risk than reward. With that said, it’s best to steer clear of any testosterone booster that hasn’t been prescribed to you by a trusted doctor.
Why Does Testosterone Shrink Your Balls?
Your body’s goal is always to maintain balance. That means that anytime you supplement your body’s supply of something, it’s going to adjust and may start producing less of that thing.
That’s exactly why TRT leads to testicular shrinkage. Since your body can tell it’s getting plenty of testosterone elsewhere, it signals your body to stop making so much. This leads to decreased sperm production, and eventually, visibly smaller balls.
There’s nothing inherently dangerous about your balls shrinking, but if you’re concerned about your fertility, you may want to consider adding hCG or Clomid to your TRT treatment, or switching from TRT to an alternative treatment, like enclomiphene.
How Long Does It Take for Balls to Shrink on TRT?
It can take about four months for TRT to noticeably affect the size of your balls, and another 1 to 3 months for them to stop shrinking. On average, individuals on TRT lose about half of their testicular volume, but this can vary from person to person.
Testicles tend to return to their original size if you stop taking testosterone.
What Happens When You Stop Taking Testosterone?
If you stop taking testosterone, your balls will return to their original size, but you may also experience a revival of whatever symptoms encouraged you to start TRT in the first place.
To reduce these negative impacts, you’ll want to speak with your healthcare provider about how to slowly lower your testosterone intake, rather than stopping all at once. You can also discuss alternative treatment options that may work better for your needs.
Taking testosterone often leads to testicular shrinkage, but there are steps you can take to prevent this. The best way to do so, while also protecting your fertility, is to add human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or Clomid to your treatment regimen.
Choosing an alternative treatment option, like enclomiphene, can boost your body’s natural testosterone production without the risk of testicular shrinkage. Less regulated alternatives, like fish oil supplements and over-the-counter testosterone boosters, can be promising, but your safest bet is to wait for further research to confirm their benefits before trying anything that isn’t FDA-approved. Always speak with your doctor prior to trying TRT, TRT alternatives, or testosterone boosters to ensure that it is safe for you to do so.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do you have to stay on testosterone forever?
How long you choose to stay on testosterone will depend on your goals. But, many folks start TRT to relieve symptoms they’d like to manage long-term, like depression or lack of libido. In those cases, you’ll need to keep taking testosterone for as long as you’d like to benefit from it.
Does high testosterone increase ball size?
Quite the opposite–boosting your testosterone via external means (like testosterone injections or supplements) commonly leads to a decrease in ball size.
Does fish oil increase testicle size?
Some studies show that fish oil can both increase semen volume and testicle size, but larger clinical trials are needed to back up those results.
Do small balls mean low sperm?
Generally, smaller balls tend to produce less sperm.
What supplements should I take while on TRT?
You’re better off avoiding any supplements other than ones your doctor specifically recommends for you.
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