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Jane Feddersen

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Strut O Cream – Does It Work for Better Sex and Climax?

About the Author

Jane Feddersen

Jane is a former DI student-athlete and lifelong health enthusiast. Since graduating from College of Charleston where she played both indoor & beach volleyball, Jane’s spent the last four years building her marketing career with experience in project and partner management. Outside of work, her nutrition certification, dog, travel and yoga flows keep her busy.

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  3. Strut O Cream Review
Rating: 4.6 / 5
Medically reviewed by:
Dr. Steve Kim, MD

About Dr. Steve Kim, MD

Physician Advisor

Dr. Kim received his BA in Human Biology at Stanford University, before receiving his M.D. degree (Primary Care Track) from UC Davis School of Medicine. He completed his Internship & Residency in Family Practice from Glendale Adventist Hospital and is Board-Certified in Family Medicine via the American Board of Family Medicine. He has held faculty appointments at Stanford & UCSF medical schools and has championed telemedicine for decades. He is also a decorated, retired Flight Surgeon from the US Air Force Reserves.

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Jane Feddersen

Satisfying sex – who doesn’t want that? It’s an essential part of our lives, and having control over it might be more important than you initially think. Sex isn’t always just about the two ends of the spectrum – reproduction or feeling good – it can contribute to an overall more fulfilling life, increased confidence, looking better, and more.

When you hear the word “dysfunction”, our first thought is a man’s issue, and we know there are tons of well-known treatments available for men. But the truth is, over 40% of women may experience some form of sexual dysfunction sometime during their lifetime. Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) can be due to numerous reasons including desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, or pain problems, all over 35% prevalent in women at some point in their lifetime. But let’s be real, nobody wants to suffer from any kind of sexual dysfunction that can take away from any of the benefits that sex can bring.

Unfortunately, people are not always in a position to have that hot and heavy movie scene sex, especially as we age. This is common in women because as they get older, the sensation in their vagina and clitoris reduces. But it doesn’t have to be this way forever! The good news is that various treatments, such as Strut Health’s Strut O Cream, have been put forward to help women enjoy sex more, no matter what the issue. 

This review will help you decide whether Strut Health’s Strut O Cream is safe, effective, worth buying and is going to offer the most **bang** (get it?) for your buck.

What is Strut O Cream?

Strut O Cream is a formulated combination of medications made to increase arousal for women. It contains ingredients that play an important role in the body during sex by increasing blood flow to the clitoral and vaginal area. This can result in increased stimulation, lubrication, sensitivity, and intensity of orgasms, and, therefore, more satisfactory sex. The cream is also effective in treating vaginal dryness resulting from menopause or other medical conditions.

The Strut O Cream is a compounded medication that comes as a personalized prescription. This means that the medication is specifically made to suit your unique sexual and personal needs and is highly effective and safe. Compounded medications are not manufactured, but are made in compounding pharmacies by US-licensed pharmacists that follow a formula ‘recipe’ customized to your condition to create an individualized medication for you.

This also makes the cream ideal for people with various skin types, including sensitive skin, allowing (in most cases) them to use it without fear of complications such as itching or rashes.

How does Strut O Cream work? Ingredients and their roles

Strut O Cream is a mixture of non-prescription and prescription ingredients that work alongside one another to increase blood flow in the vaginal area and enhance sensation and response during a woman’s sexual activity. Each ingredient has a unique purpose, without which the cream would not be effective. Check out the ingredients and some of their individual properties below.

  • Pentoxifylline: An organic ingredient that’s known to reduce vascular dilation in the body, thus enhancing blood flow. The ingredient also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it more effective in treating various illnesses such as vaginal dryness.
  • Sildenafil: Due to its vasodilator properties, sildenafil is known to increase genital blood flow and provide improvements in the female genital arousal response. It has also been used for a long time to treat erectile dysfunction in male patients. 
  • Arginine: Proven to increase nitric oxide, Arginine helps to increase blood flow in the human body, positively affecting blood vessels that may be blocked by high blood pressure. The ingredient thus helps increase blood flow to areas that are affected, improving sensation and performance.
  • Ergoloid mesylates: This is an important ingredient in Strut O Cream as it can increase libido and sexual pleasure by opening the blood vessels and thus increasing blood flow to the area.

Each of the above ingredients combine to increase blood flow and sensitivity to the area to enhance sensation and response and increase intimacy during sexual activity. We cover any possible side effects in the FAQ section later on.

How to use Strut O Cream

The effectiveness of this cream can rely on a couple of factors, including the timing of use and your personal level of sensitivity prior to use. The cream should be applied to the clitoral and vaginal areas approximately 30 minutes before sex (some reviews have suggested up to 45 minutes before), and massaged in well for the best results. 

You should also always apply it with clean hands because the vaginal area is sensitive and prone to infections or an imbalance of pH levels. Once you have applied the cream, you should gradually begin to experience a tingling feeling, redness, or warmth – not to worry, this is normal and intended!

There are certain scenarios whereby it is not advisable to use the cream. For instance, if you have open wounds or sores around the vaginal areas, it’s recommended to wait for this to heal and clear before you should resume using the cream. If you have genital herpes, avoid using this or any similar product, as the arginine in the cream can increase the replication of the herpes virus. You also shouldn’t use Strut O Cream if you’re allergic to any component of the medication.

Strut Health does a thorough job of evaluating your health history prior to recommending the medication, but if anything changes and/or you develop a new condition, it’s recommended that you directly contact Strut or your doctor to make sure that it’s still right for you.

Where to get Strut’s arousal cream

A licensed physician will customize the ideal treatment plan based on your specific health needs or condition, communicating through secure chat, video, or phone. The easiest way to get to this step is to visit Strut’s website to submit all necessary medical information to a physician.

Your online visit (very quick & easy) helps Strut’s doctors collect photos and intake health information about your lifestyle and medical history to determine if you’re eligible for treatment. This information allows the physician to recommend the best custom-formulated prescription to treat your condition. So whether your goal is to just generally increase intimacy and libido, improve your chances of fertility via more frequent sex, or just have better orgasms, Strut’s O Cream is a fantastic product.

Strut does their best to outline that they are providing this treatment for you because they think the potential benefits outweigh the risks based on the medical information that you provide. They make it very clear that this treatment is not 100% effective for every patient – noting that it may work partially or not at all to resolve the condition you’re hoping to treat. 

Strut O Cream Alternatives: How does it compare to other arousal creams?

Best Arousal Creams: Strut O vs Scream Cream vs Ristella vs Vyleesi vs Addyi

Active IngredientsPentoxifylline
Ergoloid mesylates
rose hip extracts,
and pine bark exract
Potential Side EffectsTingling effect
Mild irritation at the point of application
Large quantities can cause nausea, diarrhea and vomitingNausea
Hot flushes
How to use?TopicalTopicalPillsInjection
Custom formulated?

Strut O Cream Reviews: What are customers saying?

Overall, customer reviews for Stut’s arousal cream are very positive online. Many women even mention experiencing orgasms or pleasureful sex for the first time in years! Which is amazing.

We will include a disclaimer, however  — one that not only Strut issues to users, but also that users themselves corroborate in online reviews — that the cream isn’t a miracle cure for everyone; it definitely works well for some and not at all for others.

Efficacy likely varies depending on your condition prior to use, timing, amount, and – let’s be honest- your pleasurer (be that yourself or a partner!). That last one is probably the biggest impact on whether the cream a real effect on your sex life and pleasure.

Here are a few online reviews from real Strut O Cream customers that more or less capture the most common bits of feedback:

Strut O Cream
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I'm so glad I found Strut O Cream. I haven't enjoyed sex since I had cancer treatment in 2015. Prior to the cream I would complain to my BF that I could feel much during sex. The cream works wonders, I can feel so much. The cream definitely exceeded my expectations. I will recommend this to everyone
Strut O Cream
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Ordered this with an open mind and really did not expect this product to work, since I am a 55 year old post menopausal woman. This cream really surprised me. The Sahara desert finally has moisture.?
Strut O Cream
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I have always had difficulty achieving orgasm, so when I saw this product I knew that I had to try it. The consult process was simple, I was approved quickly, and the product arrived in a timely manner. I have only used it once, but I could definitely feel it working immediately. I'm excited to have found this product and hope for continued success with it.
Strut O Cream
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I have always had difficulty achieving orgasm, so when I saw this product I knew that I had to try it. The consult process was simple, I was approved quickly, and the product arrived in a timely manner. I have only used it once, but I could definitely feel it working immediately. I'm excited to have found this product and hope for continued success with it.

The Verdict: Is Strut O Cream worth trying?

Strut O Cream is ideal for [guys/women/shoppers] who want to…

If you’re a woman who’s been experiencing subpar sex – no matter what the reason – the Strut O Cream is definitely worth a try. Not only can it improve your own feelings towards and during sex, but it also has the potential to improve your relationships, your mood, energy levels, and more. 

Supported by dermatologists and professionals in the skin care industry, we know that Strut O Cream is reliable and reputable from its clinically-proven ingredients to Strut Health’s thorough physician screening and ordering process. Being a compound treatment, you can be assured that it will suit your specific needs. 

The physicians with Strut Health allow free follow-up care to ensure you get the most benefits from this treatment, and you can also get a free online M.D. visit to enhance the benefits you get from the Strut O Cream. Strut Health offers free shipping and the ability to cancel anytime with no fees involved.

Many alternatives in the market claim to boost your sexual arousal, but Strut O Cream offers one of the most minimally invasive and easy-to-apply and use products in order to enhance your arousal and sex life. Strut O Cream’s compounded formula offers solace that you’re getting exactly what you need, and peace of mind you can get from knowing you can cancel at any time only leaves me with one question – what are you and your sex life waiting for??

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We know this isn’t necessarily a cheap investment, so we want to make sure to answer any and all questions before purchasing arousal cream. Here’s what to ask before trying Strut O Cream.

After applying Strut’s O Cream, you should feel the results within 5-30 minutes. This can last for 30 minutes and up to 2 hours!

The product should be stored in a cool environment and at room temperature, kept away from direct sunlight. If you receive the cream while it’s warm because of outside temperatures during delivery, wait at least 2 hours before using it. Keep the container tightly closed and out of children’s reach.

Strut O cream has minimal to no side effects because it is a topical medication. However, some patients might feel tingling and some warmth after application. Other side effects might include dryness, itchiness, dizziness, mild irritation at the point of application, and headaches. Should you experience any of these, immediately stop use and seek treatment should the side effects continue.

At $49 for 12ml, a bottle of Strut O cream can serve you for up to 30 days (uses). This is all along with free 2-day shipping and the convenient flexibility to cancel, pause, or delay your monthly subscription. While not cheap, the high-quality ingredients and effectiveness, as attested by thousands of women, is well worth it. 


Another thing that Strut offers in addition to the cream is free follow-up care and a free online M.D. visit. Should you have any questions or concerns, the free sessions will include tips on how to use the cream correctly so that you can enjoy the full extent of the benefits offered. 



Try Strut today →

Currently, Strut does not accept insurance, but their services are often less expensive than most co-pays, especially when factoring in the free virtual office visit.


Check current pricing →


We conduct extensive research to evaluate the pricing, effectiveness, accessibility, overall quality, and user experience of each product we review. This also included examining and comparing them to several alternatives.

Review ProcessKey MetricsWeighting
Purchase online– ease to complete intake form
– affordability
– upfront commitment or subscription required?
– money back guarantee or refund policy?
Shipping + unboxing– shipping cost
– time from order to treatment delivery
– sustainable packaging
Testing + journal for 1-3 months– ease of use
– transition into habitual use
– taste / smell / feel / pain
Results after 3 months of use– efficacy / results
– ease of forming a health habit
– requires additional purchae?
– responsive customer support
– willingness to recommend to a friend

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About the Author

Jane Feddersen

Jane is a former DI student-athlete and lifelong health enthusiast. Since graduating from College of Charleston where she played both indoor & beach volleyball, Jane’s spent the last four years building her marketing career with experience in project and partner management. Outside of work, her nutrition certification, dog, travel and yoga flows keep her busy.

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Jane Feddersen

Jane Feddersen

Jane is a former DI student-athlete and lifelong health enthusiast. Since graduating from College of Charleston where she played both indoor & beach volleyball, Jane’s spent the last four years building her marketing career with experience in project and partner management. Outside of work, her nutrition certification, dog, travel and yoga flows keep her busy.

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