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Gabby Applebury

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Evernow Menopause Review 2023 – Is It Worth It?

About the Author

Gabby Applebury

Gabrielle Applebury is a licensed marriage and family therapist with specialties in trauma, sexuality, and mindfulness. She is trained in two trauma based treatment methods- equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). She has nearly 10 years of experience working and volunteering in the mental health field. After having her first child, she transitioned to several editorial roles where she could continue to focus on health and wellness content.

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Gabby Applebury

Evernow offers a range of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT), also called hormone replacement therapy, and non-hormonal treatments that aim to relieve the symptoms associated with menopause, including insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, low sex drive, vaginal dryness, and more. It is currently available in 35 states, offering convenient access to many individuals across the United States.


In addition to medication delivered directly to your door, Evernow also provides ongoing, clinical support from medical professionals, as well as unlimited messaging if you have any questions or concerns regarding your treatment.


In this Evernow review,  we discuss its pros and cons, as well as the benefits and side effects of the treatments offered. In addition, we compare Evernow to two other providers who offer online menopause treatment.

What is the cost of Evernow?

Evernow memberships include access to the app, unlimited messaging with a medical professional, and exclusive, helpful content. Evernow costs:

  • $49 per month
  • $129 for 3-month plan
  • $348 for 12-month plan

Medications are an additional cost and range from $20-$60 per month.

Evernow Menopause Relief
Pros + Cons


Offers accessible, telehealth services and medication delivery directly to your door


Provides FDA-approved medication options, ensuring their effectiveness and safety


Menopause specialist and medical professionals provide personalized care and customized treatment planning and monitoring


-Offers non-hormonal options, providing a wide variety of treatment options for individuals with differing needs


Offers multiple hormonal treatment options, including a patch, pills, and vaginal tablets


Only available in certain states, which may not work for everyone


May cause side effects and may not be appropriate for individuals with certain medical conditions


Benefits of Evernow Menopause Treatment

Some individuals may find it difficult to obtain menopause treatments due to a lack of availability or access to healthcare professionals. For individuals who qualify for a prescription, Evernow provides multiple MHT options, as well as non-hormonal menopause treatments, which are all considered effective in treating menopause symptoms.


Treatments like estrogen and progesterone work by replacing the hormones that the body no longer produces during menopause. Estrogen helps to relieve hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and more, while progesterone is often used to help decrease the risk of uterine cancer that is associated with only taking estrogen.


Evernow offers several MHT options, including tablets, patches, vaginal creams, and vaginal tablets. Systemic treatments like pills and patches are absorbed into the bloodstream and may relieve symptoms throughout the body. Vaginal estrogen creams or tablets are applied directly to the vagina and can help with more targeted concerns, such as dryness, pain during sex, and urinary issues.


Non-hormonal treatments like venlafaxine and paroxetine are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These medications work by increasing levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, in the brain, which may help improve mood and reduce hot flashes.



Symptoms Treated

Estradiol Patch

Sleep disruption, brain fog, fatigue, weight changes, changes in mood, anxiety, depression, hot flashes, night sweats, joint pain, painful sex, urinary issues, vaginal dryness

Estradiol Pill

Sleep disruption, brain fog, fatigue, weight changes, mood changes, anxiety, depression, hot flashes, night sweats, joint pain, painful sex, urinary issues

Vaginal Estradiol Tablets

Hot flashes, night sweats, painful sex, urinary issues, vaginal dryness

Vaginal Estrogen Cream

Vaginal dryness, painful sex, vulvar irritation, recurring urinary tract infections (UTIs), frequent urination

Progestin (Progesterone)

Sleep disruption, brain fog, fatigue, weight changes, mood changes, anxiety, depression, hot flashes, night sweats, joint pain, painful sex, urinary issues, vaginal dryness


Sleep disruption, brain fog, fatigue, mood changes, anxiety, depression


Sleep disruption, brain fog, fatigue, mood changes, anxiety, depression

Evernow conducted a comprehensive study on menopause symptoms that included data from over 100,000 assigned females.


This study found that:


  • In a follow up of 200 individuals, MHT effectively treated several major menopause symptoms 
  • Individuals reported symptom relief using the patch, noting the severity of all symptoms was down to about 1, on a 0-4 severity scale, with 4 being very severe symptoms
  • On average, there was a 68% improvement at three months and a 75% improvement at four months across all symptoms when using the patch

Evernow Side Effects and Safety

When you first start menopausal hormone therapy, you may experience the following side effects:

  • Breast tenderness
  • Bloating
  • Headaches
  • Spotting
  • Mood changes

Let your healthcare provider know if you are experiencing any side effects. They may suggest another dosage or make further changes to your medication to best suit your needs.

MHT is linked to an increased risk of certain types of blood clots, gallbladder disease, certain types of cancer, including endometrial and breast cancer, as well as dementia, especially in individuals over the age of 65.

Compare the Best Online Menopause Treatment Programs: Evernow vs. Alloy vs. Ro Menopause

We’ve compared Evernow to Alloy and Ro Menopause, so you can decide which online menopause treatment program will work best for your needs.

Best Online Menopause Treatment Program

Types of treatments offeredHormonal treatments
Non-hormonal treatments
Hormonal treatments
Non-hormonal treatments
Supplements and vitamins
Supplements and vitamins
Symptoms treatedHot flashes
Night sweats
Sleep disruption
Joint pain
Brain fog
Painful sex
Urinary issues
Vaginal dryness
Mood changes
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Sleep disruption
Joint pain
Brain fog
Painful sex
Urinary issues
Vaginal dryness
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Joint pain
Brain fog
Mood swings
Weight gain
Membership price$49 for 1 month
$129 for 3 months
$348 for 12 months
❌ Not required❌ Not required
Treatments with prices Prices vary according to your prefered
pharmacy, but range from $20-$60 per month,
per medication

Estradiol patch
Estradiol pill
Vaginal estradiol tablets
Vaginal estradiol cream
Estradiol pill ($39.99/month)

Estradiol patch ($74.99/month)

Vaginal estradiol cream ($39.99/month)

Paroxetine ($34.99/month)

M4 ($49.99/month)

O-Mazing ($29.67/month)

Probiotic supplement ($24.99/month)
Menopause Probiotic for Weight Management ($49.99)

Menopause Probiotic Plus Beauty Support ($49.99)
Prescription required?🟡 (For most treatments)
FDA-approved meds?
Personalized course of treatments?
Specialist menopause practitioners?
Ongoing care?✅ (If you purchase a prescription)
Unlimited messaging with doctors?✅ (During the appointment window)
At-home delivery?
Free shipping?🟡 On subscriptions and orders above $50
Discreet delivery?
Free doctor consultation?❌ Consultation costs $35
Availability35 US statesAll 50 states and District of Columbia All 50 US states

Why We Recommend Evernow Online Menopause Treatment

Evernow not only offers convenient treatment options, but also provides additional benefits that individuals may find useful.

Effective Treatments

Evernow offers FDA-approved medications, ensuring that individuals receive safe, high-quality, and effective treatments for their menopause symptoms. Hormonal therapy is a well-established treatment for symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.

Delivered Directly to Your Door

Evernow delivers medications directly to your door, allowing easier access to your treatment without having to head to a pharmacy.

Ongoing Support From Menopause Specialists

Evernow offers ongoing care from menopause specialists and doctors, ensuring that you receive support throughout your treatment process from physicians who understand the unique challenges that may come with this stage of life. 

Our Experience With Evernow

Our experience with Evernow has been very positive. We appreciate the simplicity of the sign-up process, the clear descriptions of the different treatments offered, and the access to experienced medical professionals who specialize in menopause care. We also like that they offer comprehensive evaluations and don’t rely on bloodwork to make diagnoses for menopause treatments.

In addition, we appreciate the range of hormonal and non-hormonal treatment options available and that they conducted a comprehensive large-scale study to better understand menopause symptoms and treatment effectiveness. 

Evernow Reviews From Their Customers

In general, individuals tend to report that the medications are effective and that Evernow’s service is convenient.

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“I signed up with Evernow while my internist’s office was closed during lockdown. It’s been fantastic, and my meds are FDA-approved and produced by pharmaceutical companies, not compounded by Evernow. My MD approves of what they’re prescribing and for now I’m continuing to use the service (vs go through her) just because it’s so convenient.”
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“Evernow had pluses and minuses. It was so convenient to have it delivered directly to my house. I was put on a combo of estrogen patch and progesterone pills. It stopped my hot flashes and I started sleeping better. The staff at Evernow was great - very responsive. The downside is the cost…”

The Verdict: Is Evernow the Best Treatment for Menopause Relief?

Evernow may be a good choice for individuals experiencing menopause-related symptoms, who want convenient, easy-to access medications and care.

Evernow may be a good choice for individuals experiencing symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, joint pain, mood swings, vaginal dryness, urinary issues, and more.


The company offers menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) in the form of pills, patches, and creams, which have been proven effective at treating a wide range of symptoms. They also provide non-hormonal treatments for those who prefer them or who aren’t a candidate for MHT.


In addition, all individuals who sign up for an Evernow membership receive ongoing care from medical professionals who are menopause specialists. As long as you live in one of the states that Evernow currently serves, it’s a convenient option for individuals who prefer to have their medication delivered directly to their door, and who also want high quality, effective menopause treatment and care.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Evernow patch is an FDA-approved bioidentical therapy that is considered effective for certain menopause symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, and more.

Yes, you can use your insurance to pay for medication, but not the membership fee. In addition, they accept FSA and HSA cards.

Some people see initial improvement in symptoms as early as 2-4 weeks after getting started. However, it may take 3-4 months to experience symptom relief.

In general, hormone therapy is considered the most effective treatment for certain menopause symptoms. In addition, some non-hormonal therapies, such as antidepressants, are also considered effective for certain symptoms, including hot flashes.

Whether you decide to seek treatment for menopause symptoms or not is completely up to you. Each individual will have a different experience with menopause and will need to weigh the benefits of treatment against the risks. Reach out to your healthcare provider for further consultation if you aren’t sure if you should consider medication.

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See which online treatment providers our medical advisory team likes most for menopause patients, and get exclusive discounts.

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We conduct extensive research to evaluate the pricing, effectiveness, accessibility, overall quality, and user experience of each product we review. This also included examining and comparing them to several alternatives.

Review ProcessKey MetricsWeighting
Purchase online– ease to complete intake form
– affordability
– upfront commitment or subscription required?
– money back guarantee or refund policy?
Shipping + unboxing– shipping cost
– time from order to treatment delivery
– sustainable packaging
Testing + journal for 1-3 months– ease of use
– transition into habitual use
– taste / smell / feel / pain
Results after 3 months of use– efficacy / results
– ease of forming a health habit
– requires additional purchae?
– responsive customer support
– willingness to recommend to a friend

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About the Author

Gabby Applebury

Gabrielle Applebury is a licensed marriage and family therapist with specialties in trauma, sexuality, and mindfulness. She is trained in two trauma based treatment methods- equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). She has nearly 10 years of experience working and volunteering in the mental health field. After having her first child, she transitioned to several editorial roles where she could continue to focus on health and wellness content.

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Gabby Applebury

Gabby Applebury

Gabrielle Applebury is a licensed marriage and family therapist with specialties in trauma, sexuality, and mindfulness. She is trained in two trauma based treatment methods- equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). She has nearly 10 years of experience working and volunteering in the mental health field. After having her first child, she transitioned to several editorial roles where she could continue to focus on health and wellness content.

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