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Jane Feddersen

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Keep It Anchored Review – Can It Reduce Hair Loss?

About the Author

Jane Feddersen

Jane is a former DI student-athlete and lifelong health enthusiast. Since graduating from College of Charleston where she played both indoor & beach volleyball, Jane’s spent the last four years building her marketing career with experience in project and partner management. Outside of work, her nutrition certification, dog, travel and yoga flows keep her busy.

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Rating: 4.4 / 5
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Dr. Elizabeth Mbata, MD

About Dr. Elizabeth Mbata, MD

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Onyinye Elizabeth Mbata is a physician and occupational health expert, in addition to being a writer. She grew up in Nigeria before graduating as a Medical Doctor in Venezuela, and firmly believes that an optimum healthcare system is one that is patient centered. In addition to practicing medicine, she writes health articles for various health blogs and runs a health YouTube channel called All Round Health Talk.

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In this Article

Jane Feddersen

You’ve probably heard of hair loss regrowth products, but what about hair loss reduction


What is the most common cause of hair loss? The answer might surprise you – it’s oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is not the same as emotional stress, which causes sweaty palms, clenched teeth, and a racing heartbeat. It is rather caused by free radicals, which are molecular thieves (stealing electrons) that leave behind a broken-down scalp. 


Free radicals attack important macromolecules leading to cell damage and homeostatic disruption. Unwanted free radicals are commonly produced by UV rays, pollution, and smoking. Even moisture and hair coloring can cause oxidative stress.


KeepItAnchored wants to help you fight this to keep and maintain your current hair. Many of us are experiencing or will experience hair loss in the future, and this brand has developed a preventative solution. The company’s goal with its targeted formulas for men and women is to prevent hair loss rather than trying to regrow it later.

In this article, we’ll review KeepItAnchored’s approach, products, pricing, and how they compare to other contenders in the hair loss market. 

What is KeepItAnchored?

Source: KeepItAnchored

Hair loss is extremely common, as our shower drains all know. Typically, humans shed anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs a day, which seems like a lot, but humans have, on average, 100,000 hairs on their heads (so you don’t have to spend your time counting). 


You might be experiencing an abnormal amount of hair loss though, which is why you’re still here. Hair loss occurs when more hair falls out than grows in. This could be the result of many different factors, but oxidative stress in particular can be a major player in your hair loss experience.

Oxidative stress is an imbalance of the production and accumulation of oxygen reactive species and detoxification of the reactive products. What that basically means is this makes your hair molecules susceptible to chemical reactions (oxidation), resulting in hair loss. Think of it this way: oxidative stress is to your scalp as UV radiation (sunburn) is to your skin – harmful and a catalyst to aging. In this sense, the aging process is characterized by hair loss.

Of course, other factors such as genetics, aging, nutrition, and stress can all contribute to hair loss, however, research is showing that oxidative stress is the #1 cause of daily hair loss


Source: KeepItAnchored 


All this being said, it’s critical to begin caring for our hair and scalp as early as possible. After all, prevention is the best cure. But, we can’t eliminate all stress from our lives – some bodily changes and stresses are unavoidable. For this reason, KeepItAnchored provides products to soothe an oxidatively stressed scalp, allowing your scalp to retain the hair you love for longer, or forever!


Review of KeepItAnchored

Source: KeepItAnchored 


KeepItAnchored’s products nourish your hair and scalp in the same way sunscreen nourishes and protects your skin. KeepItAnchored’s Hair Anchoring Essence hydrates and rejuvenates the scalp with the most concentrated mix of clinically proven antioxidants, zinc minerals, and B-vitamins as a color-safe, sulfate-free, paraben-free formula.

KeepItAnchored’s blend of antioxidant salts is a big player in the product, as antioxidants are beneficial against oxidative stress. Whether male or female, oxidative stress and hair loss do not discriminate. The clinically proven products work for anybody to reduce the stress on the scalp and strengthen the hair’s anchor to the scalp (hence KeepItAnchored ⚓️).

The KeepItAnchored products are best used as preventatives, as they don’t generate hair growth, but instead focus on the reduction of hair loss. KeepItAnchored ran a clinical study showing that after 6 months, those using the treatment had approximately 2400 more hairs on their scalp compared to those using the placebo.

KeepItAnchored ingredients: What’s in the Hair Anchor Blend? 

Source: KeepItAnchored


Antioxidants are the most effective antidote to oxidative stress, so antioxidant salts are an important component of KeepItAnchored’s clinically proven Hair Anchor Blend. It takes time for the antioxidants to take full effect and reduce daily hair loss, but they start working right away with the KeepItAnchored system.


Here’s a breakdown of the ingredients: 


  • Antioxidant salts: calms scalp oxidative stress and fights free radicals
  • Mineral Zinc: helps to restore the natural balance of scalp skin condition, is essential for hair tissue growth and repair, and aids in the proper functioning of the oil glands surrounding the follicles
  • B-vitamins (B3 & B5): improve skin barrier health and facilitates the formation of red blood cells (which transport oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles)


Source: KeepItAnchored

We love that KeepItAnchored offers a breakdown of the full ingredient list for each of their products on their website, removing any of the research troubles and remaining completely transparent to their consumers.


What products does KeepItAnchored offer for men and women?

KeepItAnchored provides gender-specific solutions for both men and women. The formulations differ slightly, as do the potencies, to create the experience and deliver the hair benefits that tend to be preferred by each.

Here is a breakdown of each product:

KeepItAnchored Hair Anchoring Essence:

Source: KeepItAnchored


The Essence is a leave-on serum that’s applied directly to your scalp on a daily basis to strengthen your hair at the roots. It has the highest concentration of the clinically proven Hair Anchor Blend of antioxidant salts, mineral zinc, and B vitamins.


KeepItAnchored recommends that you apply the Essence daily. It absorbs and dries quickly and is neither watery nor greasy, so you can use it on wet or dry hair and style as usual. While the formula’s main purpose is to reduce daily hair loss, your scalp will feel refreshed and can sometimes tingle a bit. Recommended application is to space 8-10 droplets across your scalp, then massage thoroughly. 


KeepItAnchored Pre-Cleanser:

KeepItAnchored’s Pre-Cleanser is a water-clear deep cleanser that should be used as the first step on your hair wash day. It unclogs pores and cleanses the scalp and is meant to be used before shampoo.

Make a lather in your hands and apply it to your scalp, massaging it in thoroughly. There is no need to let it sit; simply rinse and proceed to the KeepItAnchored Shampoo to allow the Hair Anchor Blend to work its magic.


KeepItAnchored Shampoo:

Source: KeepItAnchored


KeepItAnchored’s shampoo also contains the Hair Anchor Blend, among other ingredients, which has been clinically proven to strengthen hair at the roots. It performs all of the functions of a regular shampoo while also reducing daily hair loss. Allow the shampoo to work its magic by gently massaging it across your scalp and hair roots.


KeepItAnchored Conditioner:

Source: KeepItAnchored


KeepItAnchored’s Conditioner is a light formula that fortifies each fiber against breakage and hair loss. This color-safe formula contains antioxidant zinc and B-vitamins, leaving hair hydrated, soft, and ready to style.


KeepItAnchored makes it simple with a detailed in-shower and after-shower regimen:

Source: KeepItAnchored


How much does KeepItAnchored cost?

KeepItAnchdored offers products for individual purchase as well as in convenient bundles/kits at reduced prices. The prices for both men’s and women’s products are the same:


Product Price What’s included?
Hair Anchoring Essence $49  3 Hair Essences
Shampoo  $23
Conditioner  $23 
Complete Kit $79 3 Hair Essences
1 Pre-Cleanser
1 Shampoo
1 Conditioner 
Starter Kit  $69 3 Hair Essences
1 Shampoo
1 Conditioner 

The company also offers a money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase after a 30-day trial, you are eligible for a full refund!


Does KeepItAnchored work? 

Source: KeepItAnchored

Common hair loss treatments include minoxidil and finasteride (Keeps, Hims, Sons, Strut) which have been proven effective in stimulating the hair growth cycle via biochemical pathways. Other, more natural approaches frequently employ essential oils and supplements (Nutrafol) that are a little less effective. 


KeepItAnchored has found middle ground through its hair loss prevention products. They are proven to help reduce excessive hair loss without the side effects of the biological route.

Whether their products work depends on the person’s condition. For example, oxidative stress vs genetic hair loss often produces different results. However, a lot of customers swear by KeepItAnchored’s Hair Anchor Blend.  


KeepItAnchored before and after

Because KeepItAnchored is a preventative hair solution, there aren’t as many “before and after” results to find. There are some, however, that experienced improvements in hair regrowth. As we mentioned earlier, there are varying factors to both hair loss and hair maintenance. These customers shared before and after pictures from their KeepItAnchored experience: 


Source: KeepItAnchored


KeepItAnchored side effects

All of KeepItAnchored products’ side effects are very minimal to none. From their study, KeepItAnchored side effects included flakes in the hair as the product dried (if too much product was applied or the product was not massaged thoroughly), and mild scalp irritation. It is recommended to consult a dermatologist if scalp irritation occurs. 


How does KeepItAnchored hair loss prevention compare to others? KeepItAnchored vs Vegamour vs Nutrafol

It’s no secret that KeepItAnchored isn’t the only hair loss product out there, but it does differ from other products because it’s targeting the strengthening of your hair root, rather than the complete regrowth. 

Best hair loss prevention: KeepItAnchored vs Vegamour vs Nutrafol

Price$69 for Starter Kit

$79 for Complete Kit
$60 for GRO More Kit

$238 for GRO Complete Kit
Products includedStarter Kit: Hair Essence, Shampoo, Conditioner

Complete Kit: Hair Essence, Pre-Cleanser, Shampoo, Conditioner
GRO More Kit: Hair Serum, Biotin Gummies

GRO Complete Kit: Hair Foam, Hair Serum, Shampoo, Conditioner, Detoxifying Scalp Serum, Dry Shampoo, 2 jars Biotin Gummies
1 month supply of supplements (4 capsules daily)
Additional products offeredAll hair products a la carteAll hair products a la carte

Lash growth

Brow growth
Highlighted Key IngredientsAntioxidant salts (fight free radicals and calm oxidative stress)

Mineral Zinc (improve scalp condition)

B-vitamins (B3 & B5 to improve skin barrier health)
(100% vegan)

Mung bean (contains hair enriching minerals)

Curcumin (scavenge hair-damaging free radicals)

Red clover (contains hair-boosting isoflavones)
Sensoril Ashwagandha (helps balance stress hormones)

Collagen Peptides (building block for strong hair)

Tocotrienol Complex (antioxidant vitamin E helps minimize environmental stress)

Curcumin (antioxidant)

Saw Palmetto (promotes hair growth)
Application3-step in-shower and after-shower regimensBiotin Pill

After shower regimens
Daily pill
ApproachHair loss preventionIncrease hair growthHair growth/regrowth
Free shipping?US: Free shipping on subscriptions or orders $50+

US: $5 shipping for orders under $50

International: Free shipping on orders $150+

International: $20 shipping for orders under $150
Geographic accessibilityUS excluding Hawaii and AlaskaUS + US territories

43+ international countries
Male and female products?

They say “all good things take time”, and KeepItAnchored gets that. Compared to the other products, though there are more steps involved, the clinical study shows promising results for hair loss reduction. Nutrafol and Vegamour take a less proactive approach and more of a reactive, with the focus being hair growth, whereas KeepItAnchored is helping you get ahead of the ball to strengthen your hair and prevent hair loss. 


If you have already started losing hair and are curious to read more about hair growth products, we have reviewed the following articles in depth: Rogaine for hair loss treatment, Nutrafol for men’s hair growth, and Nutrafol for women’s hair loss treatment.


KeepItAnchored reviews: What do customers think?

KeepItAnchored customers are big fans of the product, with an overall 4 and a half star rating from 780+ reviews. While there are few other outside sourced reviews, the site shows both the positive and some negative reviews, making it credible


Overall, reviews were extremely positive, with customers highlighting the hair loss reduction they saw after using the products. Many users commented that they lost noticeably less hair when brushing their hair or showering. They also noted an overall added voluminous feeling they had to their hair as a result of using KeepItAnchored


Customer service also seems to be diligent in keeping their users satisfied, and overall many of the reviews offer glowing results for their hair loss reduction. 


Source: KeepItAnchored


Those that left negative reviews noted either that they didn’t like the smell or that they didn’t see the results they’d hoped for after using KeepItAnchored. One above review of the shampoo for men highlights the need for patience in using the products and seeing results, so be sure to take full advantage of the 30-day money-back guarantee before deciding to return! 


Founders responded to a majority of the reviews that were 3 stars or lower, letting customers know who to contact for their money back. If a customer is not satisfied with their purchase after a 30-day trial, they are eligible for a full refund. 


Source: KeepItAnchored


The verdict: Is KeepItAnchored legit? 

KeepItAnchored is a great product that is clinically proven and has helped many customers with their hair loss reduction. They stand out among a sea of hair regrowth formulas, as the concept is an anchor of the hair you do have, so you don’t have to worry about hair loss later on. 


The unique formula of antioxidants and B-vitamins work together to target the number one cause of hair loss – oxidative stress – and strengthen hair roots to legitimately keep them anchored. It’s especially useful for anyone who knows what their future head of hair might hold. If you already have hair loss warning signs, or if you know that your parent’s bald spot is your fate, you can get a head start (get it?) on prevention with KeepItAnchored’s products.


So many men and women struggle with hair shedding, so a solution that heals the scalp, strengthens hair, leads to hair loss reduction, and also makes for fewer clogged shower drains is one suitable for a variety of customers. The Hair Anchorage Essence, a leave-in serum, is especially interesting; with a simple one-minute massage, you can go about your day. It could potentially save you hundreds of dollars if you ever experience hair loss in the future and are forced instead to try hair growth products.

If you’ve already started losing hair beyond shedding, unfortunately, the brand can’t help you. If this is the case and you’re looking to regrow lost hair, we suggest you check out brands like Keeps for hair loss subscription or Sons hair loss treatment


If you’re tired of your influx of hair shedding and want to try a product that will help you prevent hair loss and strengthen your hair, KeepItAnchored is definitely worth a try. ⚓️

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

KeepItAnchdored offers products for individual purchase as well as in convenient bundles/kits at reduced prices. The prices for both men’s and women’s products are the same:


Product Price What’s included?
Hair Anchoring Essence $49  3 Hair Essences
Shampoo  $23
Conditioner  $23 
Complete Kit $79 3 Hair Essences
1 Pre-Cleanser
1 Shampoo
1 Conditioner 
Starter Kit  $69 3 Hair Essences
1 Shampoo
1 Conditioner 

The company also offers a money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase after a 30-day trial, you are eligible for a full refund!

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About the Author

Jane Feddersen

Jane is a former DI student-athlete and lifelong health enthusiast. Since graduating from College of Charleston where she played both indoor & beach volleyball, Jane’s spent the last four years building her marketing career with experience in project and partner management. Outside of work, her nutrition certification, dog, travel and yoga flows keep her busy.

Learn more
Jane Feddersen

Jane Feddersen

Jane is a former DI student-athlete and lifelong health enthusiast. Since graduating from College of Charleston where she played both indoor & beach volleyball, Jane’s spent the last four years building her marketing career with experience in project and partner management. Outside of work, her nutrition certification, dog, travel and yoga flows keep her busy.

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