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Steven Nieves

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Bristle Health Review – Is the Oral Microbiome Test Worth It?

About the Author

Steven Nieves

Steven is a writer who specializes in physical and mental health. He has produced content for multiple digital health startups including ThirtyMadison and Talkiatry. In his spare time, Steven enjoys watching TV shows meant for children, drinking overpriced beer, and continually tweaking his website.

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  3. Bristle Health Oral Microbiome Test Reviews
Rating: 4.6 / 5
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Dr. Jordan Weber, DDS

About Dr. Jordan Weber, DDS

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Dr. Jordan Weber is a general dentist with a growing practice in Burlington, KS. His background is in food science, and he left a career in food manufacturing to attend the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry. Jordan and his wife are both avid marathon runners, and now have their hands especially full having just welcomed their first child, a daughter, in January of 2021.

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In this Article

Steven Nieves

Bristle Health Overview

  • Test measures: Complete oral microbiome (700+ bacteria, viruses, and fungi)
  • Test costs: $149
  • Provides scores for: Chronic bad breath, inflamed gums, oral thrush, gum recession, and more
  • Brand offers: 1:1 health coaching, custom products, diet and hygiene plans

Did you know that there are 700 or more types of microorganisms that call your mouth home? You might not love the sound of that, but the truth is that these invisible little microbes help keep your mouth healthy and clean. That is, unless they get out of balance–then they can cause all sorts of trouble, like cavities, gingivitis, and a serious gum infection called periodontitis. Not only that, but these oral health conditions or issues can also impact your overall health and are associated with long-term conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

The Bristle Oral Health Test gives you a comprehensive look at your entire oral microbiome, helping you better understand not only your oral health, but also its connection to other health conditions. With a simple saliva sample, this oral microbiome test can tell you your mouth’s levels of more than 100 types of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. In addition, Bristle will tell you what those levels mean, which oral health problems might be brewing beneath the surface, and what you can do about them.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the pros and cons of trying Bristle’s oral microbiome test, as well as our own personal experience trying it first-hand. We’ll also discuss Bristle alternatives with the goal of helping you decide whether this or a different oral microbiome test may work best for your needs and budget.

Our Quick Take

Bristle is one of very few brands that offers a more affordable oral microbiome test that doesn’t need to be ordered through your provider and ships for free. In addition, they offer comprehensive results, as well as one-on-one coaching with a certified oral hygiene coach who can provide a customized oral hygiene and diet plan to promote better oral health, an important benefit that other telehealth brands are lacking. While getting tested through your provider may be less expensive, Bristle offers convenience and better accessibility for those who prefer to test at home.

Bristle Health Pros & Cons


– May help in early detection of oral health issues, including inflamed gums, oral thrush, gum recession, and more

– Provides personalized oral hygiene plan, including product and lifestyle recommendations 

– Offers one-on-one coaching from a certified oral hygiene coach

– More affordable than other telehealth brands offering similar products


– Doesn’t test for as many health concerns as other oral microbiome tests


– Not a substitute for regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings

What Is the Bristle Test for Bacteria?

The Bristle Oral Health Test is a kit delivered to your home that helps you test for a variety of dental health issues. Bristle’s kit measures your entire oral microbiome and tells you the levels of each microbe, good or bad, so you can promote health-boosting microorganisms while fighting the ones that can cause problems. 

Worried you won’t be able to make heads or tails of your results? Bristle makes it easy with oral health coaches that provide actionable suggestions and help you track your microbiome levels over time.

What does the oral microbiome do?

Your oral microbiome is made up of thousands of invisible little citizens of your own personal tooth city. Some members of your oral microbiome help keep your mouth healthy, break down food, and fight off infection. Less helpful species can make dental problems, like cavities and gingivitis, more likely.

My Experience With Bristle

We found Bristle’s checkout process to be a breeze, with only a few clicks standing between us and our new test kit. The kit itself is simple to use, requiring only a saliva sample. Once our results were ready, Bristle’s app made the next steps clear and easy to follow.


Members of our team who used the test kit reported:


  • It was easy to give a sample
  • Results came within two weeks
  • That they felt a bit overwhelmed by the amount of information that came back in the report
  • That the free coaching was helpful, especially for better managing harmful bacteria and understanding how to boost good bacteria
  • That some will definitely use the test kit again, while others found just the single-use helpful enough


How Much Does the Oral Microbiome Test Cost?

A single test is $149, but you can save $20 per test by subscribing to biannual shipments. You can also opt in to their 3 month Reset Program, which includes 2 tests, 2 coaching sessions, and ongoing support for $329.

How Do You Test for Oral Microbiome?

Bristle’s test uses shotgun metagenomics, a type of genetic sequencing that allows for a comprehensive result using a single sample. If you go with Bristle’s kit, you’ll receive your test three to five days after placing your order. Then all you need to do is provide a saliva sample to mail back to Bristle. You’ll get your results within two weeks.

Benefits: Does Bristle Health Work?

According to the company, Bristle has developed the world’s first comprehensive oral microbiome test. But of course, the test’s readings on your mouth’s community of microorganisms is only helpful if you know what to do with that information. 

Bristle translates your personal bacteria levels into a simple 1-10 score telling you your current likelihood of facing these oral health issues:

  • Chronic bad breath, or halitosis, can be caused by volatile sulfur compounds in your mouth produced by certain bacteria
  • Inflamed gums, or gingivitis, affects almost half of US adults and can be a prelude to more serious gum issues
  • Oral thrush is a fungal infection in your mouth that can cause white lesions on the tongue
  • Burning mouth syndrome is exactly what it sounds like–consistent, unexplained pain, burning, or tingling in the mouth
  • Gum recession is the painful deterioration of the gumline, which can lead to severe gum disease, or periodontitis
  • Weird tastes, such as a metallic flavor in the mouth, can be an early sign of a microbiome imbalance

May Identify the Root Causes of Oral Health Conditions

When it comes to oral health, it can be tough to tell where the problem is coming from. Bristle’s test demystifies your oral health concerns by identifying specific bacteria that can cause problems (like Candida albicans, the cause of thrush, or Porphynomonas gingivalis, a source of bad breath) and helping you reduce their levels over time.

May Help Decrease Risk of Certain Conditions

Oral health is closely linked to an individual’s overall health, oftentimes with a bidirectional relationship. Certain health conditions can increase the risk of poor oral hygiene and poor oral hygiene is associated with and can share risk factors with certain conditions, such as heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and respiratory conditions.

Better understanding your oral health can help you understand and take action regarding your general health and wellness.

Proactive Measures for Early Detection and Maintenance of Oral Health

Bristle doesn’t stop at letting you know which bacteria could lead to future problems. They take things a step further by providing actionable, concrete suggestions that may help prevent future dental issues.

Why We Recommend the Bristle Oral Health Test

Bristle’s oral health test kit is a convenient and trustworthy way to get some clear insights into the health of your mouth. Their tests are backed by leading dental professionals, and their results are analyzed in a clinical laboratory improvement amendments (CLIA) certified lab. Not only that, but Bristle’s support goes beyond the test to make sure you know how to act on the information you’re given.

Personalized Care

Based on the results of your test, Bristle provides personalized suggestions to help you curb harmful bacteria before they can cause problems, and boost good bacteria to help prevent new issues from popping up.

1:1 Oral Health Coaching

As anyone who has ever tried flossing twice a day can tell you, taking proper care of your teeth is much easier said than done. That’s why Bristle assigns you an oral health coach to help talk you through your results and work through any challenges you run into along the way.

Convenient Subscription

The best way to know whether or not your changes are working is to test your levels again and make sure they’re moving in the right direction. Bristle offers a discount if you subscribe to get a new test every six months, which makes tracking your oral health over time more affordable and convenient.

Bristle Health Alternatives: How Does it Compare?

Wondering how Bristle Health stacks up against other oral health test providers like Viome and OralDNA? We’ve got all that information covered right here so it’s easier for you to compare.

Bristle vs. Viome vs. OralDNA

Bristle HealthViomeOralDNA
Price$149/test$299/test Free test kit
Can only be recevied from your provider
Sample type SalivaStool, blood, salivaOral rinse
Results timeframe2 to 3 weeks 2 to 3 weeks Not noted
What it testsOral microbiome:
100 to 200 species of bacteria, fungi, and viruses
Oral microbiome
Gut microbiome
Cellular function
Early warning of oral pathogens
Genetic risk for periodontal disease
Bacterial risk for development of cavities
Risk for HPV related oral cancers
Gene markers related to inflammatory responses
Infections caused by yeast and candida
HSV-1 & HSV-2 detection
Microbiome testing type MetagenomicsMetatranscriptomics DNA-PCR
Integrative & personalized careProduct recommendations
Diet plan
Oral care tips
Supplements recommendations
Probiotics recommendations
Food, supplement, and probiotic/prebiotic recommendations Depends on your provider
Access to oral health coach?🟡 Depends on your provider
FSA/HSA eligible?🟡 Depends on your provider
Free shipping?🟡 Depends on your provider

Bristle vs. Viome

Viome is another test kit provider that costs quite a bit more than Bristle Health, and, in exchange, tests more than just your oral microbiome. If you provide Viome with stool and blood samples, you’ll get information about your gut microbiome as well as your cellular function. Based on those unique biometrics, the company recommends specific foods or supplements to incorporate into your diet. But unlike with Bristle, you won’t have a coach to help you implement those suggestions.

Bristle vs. OralDNA

OralDNA has one big thing going for it– you can get a free test kit. But, it does come with a catch, as you can only get it from your doctor. Given an oral rinse sample, OralDNA can tell you plenty of crucial information, including your risk of developing periodontal disease, cavities, and even oral cancers. Unlike with Bristle Health, it’s up to you and your doctor to decide what to do with all of that data because OralDNA won’t provide custom suggestions or a personal coach.

Bristle Reviews from Other Customers

In general, customers find Bristle Health’s comprehensive test and actionable info to be very helpful. They praise the company’s easy-to-use test and personal coaching. On the other hand, others warned that the wait time for results can fluctuate, especially around the holiday season.

First, I should say...Person3or4
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“First, I should say they give you a lot of data back about the bacteria in your mouth. Pretty cool to see all the bacteria and if they’re good or bad. a lot to dig into if you’re interested. I have some obvious areas for improvement like I have average good bacteria, but high bad breath ones. I had a zoom meeting with one of their coaches who was super helpful (and free), and sent over a plan to remove the bad ones and increase the good ones. The plan is pretty extensive and goes for a while, like weeks. Overall very easy experience, just spit in a tube and send it away and lower cost than any dental visit I’ve ever had. Even if the plan doesn’t work for me, at least I’ll have some data to be able to improve.”
Never cared for science...Freddittt77
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“Never cared for science but this bad breath journey has made me crazy about all things science! I woke up this morning without brushing. Spoke to my fiancèe (2 feet away) and she didn't even flinch. I NEVER thought this could be my life. Btw, I'm still consistent with my oral routine but these experiences feel like a NEW lease on life!!!”

The Verdict: Is Bristle Worth It?

Bristle is an excellent option for those who want to learn more about the root causes of their oral health concerns, without having to pay for multiple trips to the dentist.

 Bristle won’t tell you everything you could get from a stool or blood test, but there’s no easier way to get a close-up look at the microbiome in your mouth than Bristle’s test, which just requires a saliva sample. That, and the 1:1 coaching makes Bristle’s test the best option for people looking to improve their oral health in particular, especially if you’re hoping to help manage and better understand issues like bad breath or gum pain.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

“Flora” is a scientific term referring to the bacterial or fungal life that thrives in a particular area. That means “oral flora” is just another term for your mouth’s microbiome. So, an oral flora test is a test that measures the levels of bacteria in your mouth, like the Bristle Health microbiome test.

Your oral microbiome is an important indicator of not just the health of your mouth, but also your overall health. Since your mouth literally leads to the rest of your body, bad bacteria bred in the oral microbiome can travel to other places to cause trouble, such as respiratory, cardiovascular, and even cognitive concerns.

While cavities, decaying teeth, and receding gums can all be clear signs that something’s off with your oral health, the unfortunate truth is that many indicators of poor oral hygiene are easy to overlook. That’s because these changes take place at the microbial level long before you (or your dentist) can see the damage for yourself.

The Bristle Oral Health Test is one of many options for testing your oral microbiome to determine the root causes of bad breath. It also tests for plenty of other oral health concerns, like gum inflammation and tooth decay.

Alcohol-based mouthwash kills bacteria indiscriminately, which means it can make things worse for you by getting rid of good bacteria. But, in cases where bad bacteria has run amok, it can be worth it to clean house with some mouthwash and then try to promote good bacteria growth later. Speak with your dentist if you’re unsure about using mouthwash.

We conducted extensive research to evaluate the pricing, effectiveness, accessibility, overall quality, and customer support of Bristle Health, which also included examining other similar brands, like Viome and OralDNA. To determine overall value, we evaluated cost, usability, subscription options, and more.


Other factors we investigated prior to choosing the best test kit included convenience, discounts, customer service, access to healthcare providers, health insurance, and any free services or resources offered. For the most useful and affordable test kit, Bristle Health stood out for its comprehensive oral testing for people dealing with oral health concerns.


Review ProcessKey MetricsWeighting
Purchase online– ease to complete intake form
– affordability
– upfront commitment or subscription required?
– money back guarantee or refund policy?
Shipping + unboxing– shipping cost
– time from order to treatment delivery
– sustainable packaging
Testing + journal for 1-3 months– ease of use
– transition into habitual use
– taste / smell / feel / pain
Results after 3 months of use– efficacy / results
– ease of forming a health habit
– requires additional purchae?
– responsive customer support
– willingness to recommend to a friend

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About the Author

Steven Nieves

Steven is a writer who specializes in physical and mental health. He has produced content for multiple digital health startups including ThirtyMadison and Talkiatry. In his spare time, Steven enjoys watching TV shows meant for children, drinking overpriced beer, and continually tweaking his website.

Learn more
Steven Nieves

Steven Nieves

Steven is a writer who specializes in physical and mental health. He has produced content for multiple digital health startups including ThirtyMadison and Talkiatry. In his spare time, Steven enjoys watching TV shows meant for children, drinking overpriced beer, and continually tweaking his website.

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